
Friday, February 27, 2009

Kaine: Simmer Down Boys or Let's Rumble?

It looks like Tim Kaine hasn't been enjoying lines like "fighter not a fundraiser" or "an ass named Trippi."
Kaine said he recently spoke to Virginia's Democratic U.S. senators, Mark R. Warner and James Webb, about helping him rein in the candidates if their attacks go too far.

"We would like to keep it in acceptable bounds," Kaine said. "I can see myself weighing in with these guys, saying, 'Hey, think about November. You're acting in ways that may not be helpful in November.'"

Kaine's comments appear to be an obvious reference first and foremost to the Moran campaign's repeated attacks on Terry McAuliffe (implying that he's a "fundraiser" not a "fighter") at the state JJ dinner. It might also be a reference to Terry McAuliffe's joke - at a Richmond press corps roast - about Brian Moran having "an ass named Trippi." (personally, I thought that was pretty funny in the context of a raunchy roast, during which Creigh Deeds joked about B&D, among other things).

On the other hand, Kaine "predicted that the primary will ultimately benefit the party's bid for a third consecutive term in power." Kaine referred to Barack Obama's knock-down-drag-out primary battle with Hillary Clinton, which not only did NOT destroy the nominee, it probably strengthened him (under the theory of "whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger?").

So, there's a bit of mixed messaging here; on the one hand, "simmer down, boys," and on the other hand "let's rumble!" Personally, I'd prefer a high-minded debate on the issues, but something tells me that with these three competitors in there, we're going to be closer to a "rumble" before this is all over - Tim Kaine's exhortations or not.

P.S. By the way, I'd remind people that Jim Webb survived Harris Miller's campaign essentially calling him a misogynist, racist and anti-Semite. In contrast, this campaign has been like a G-rated movie with the kids ("fighter not a fundraiser" was so incoherent that it's almost hard to take it as an attack, although it undoubtedly was meant as one).