It was Bob Marshall, of all people, who described problems with the whole Hampton tunnel fiasco. Marshallnoted that requiring tolls to raise revenue for future projects may not be constitutional, based on the Virginia Supreme Court 2008 ruling against the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority. Tolls anticipating future construction equal a tax requiring a vote by the legislature since imposing fees on existing roads and tunnels to pay for construction of other bridges or roads is a tax. The final action on transportation before the end of the recent "war on women" legislative session was to pass yet another unfunded McDonnell "transportation plan" component, compliments of local government money. |
Elaine in Roanoke :: McDonnell's a Fraudulent Leader |
The bill takes up to $500 million in transportation money from the regular spending formulas and also requires localities to get state approval for transportation projects in their local comprehensive plans, with the threat of losing funding if they don't make their plans match the state six-year road plan.Enough is enough. McDonnell got into office by fraudulently claiming he had a plan to fix the mess that is Virginia's transportation crisis. His plan boils down to borrowed money that runs out in 2014, tolls that hit commuting middle class workers hardest, and the shift of responsibility for roads to local governments. McDonnell's no leader. He's a fraud, a wimp who faked his way into the governor's office. |
McDonnell's a Fraudulent Leader
Friday, April 13, 2012
by Elaine in Roanoke