Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Video: Kaine Makes Case For Fully Integrating Female Servicemembers Into All Combat Units
Earlier today, U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, "expressed his support for fully integrating female servicemembers into all combat units and operations today at a hearing examining the implementation process of the new military policy." It makes a great deal of sense. As Kaine notes: "There’s another one that’s interesting to me: how fast can you thru-hike the Appalachian Trail – 2,200 miles? There’s a record for doing it all on your own – not having support, having to carry everything, big backpack – carry it all on your own. The men’s record is 58 days, the women’s record is 54 days. The woman has the record for having to carry it all. Combat and military service is different, but what this tells me is – and, I think, General Milley, you kind of talked about it – daughters raised today are raised different than daughters 30 years ago. When there’s a social cap or ceiling or limitation, that sort of gets absorbed by people and they don’t even focus on what they might be able to do."