
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Video: Phyllis Randall (D) Sworn in as New Loudoun County Board Chair

Congratulations to Democrat Phyllis Randall for making history in Loudoun County, Virginia (see the video of her being sworn in as new Loudoun County Board Chair)! Also, congratulations to Democrat Koran Saines, who unseated raving homophobe and all-around extremist Eugene Delgaudio (R) and Kristen Umstattd (D) for the seat formerly held by Kenneth Reid (R). These three new members will definitely move the 9-member Loudoun County Board of Supervisors in a better direction; I just wish Democrats could have won two close races -- in Ashburn and Algonkian districts - and gotten closer (or over the hump) to taking back control of the Board. Still, this is a start, and something to build on for elections in four years...