
Friday, January 29, 2016

Video: Del. Patrick Hope Calls Gov. McAuliffe's Gun Deal "an exciting bipartisan bill" that "will keep us safer"

by Lowell

I just received the following video, which I've partially transcribed (see below), from Del. Patrick Hope (D-Arlington). I thought the part where he talks about Gov. McAuliffe's concealed carry reciprocity compromise was worth highlighting, mainly because I find it surprising to hear a progressive (and strong advocate of gun safety measures) like Del. Hope praise it.

Personally, I'm not sure I see how this deal keeps anyone safer. As one gun safety advocate explained to me, the problem is that the part about someone under a protective order being prohibited from possessing a firearm "doesn't include temporary orders, [and] that's the period of maximum vulnerability." If true, that seriously weakens this compromise, as does the voluntary nature of background checks at gun shows. The whole thing also seems to undercut what AG Mark Herring just did the other day on this front. Thoughts?
Speaking of guns, the governor announced an exciting bipartisan bill today that would keep guns away from domestic abusers and people who cannot pass background checks. Democrats' top priority is to keep Virginians safe, and this bipartisan deal will keep us safer. Everyone knows that compromise is important in divided government. 
The balance of this deal struck with the National Rifle Association and Republicans, the deal would not be possible without the efforts of our Attorney General Mark Herring, a real leader on this issue. I'm pleased to report that the terms of the compromise is we will now have voluntary background checks at all Virginian gun shows. While I prefer to have mandatory background checks and will continue to support this, this is an important first step. 
Secondly, we changed the law to prohibit someone under a protective order from possessing a firearm. Last year, four women died due to domestic violence; their killer, their husband, was under a protective order, and the law allowed him to possess the gun that ultimately killed their spouse. In exchange, the governor agrees to sign a bill to grant reciprocity for all states with a concealed carry permitting process. I will vehemently oppose this portion of the deal, because I don't think Virginia should allow someone from a state with a weaker concealed handgun law to carry the gun in our Commonwealth.