Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Monday, January 4.
- Why aren’t we calling the Oregon occupiers ‘terrorists?’ ("It is hard to imagine that none of the words mentioned above — particularly 'insurrection' or 'revolt' — would be avoided if, for instance, a group of armed black Americans took possession of a federal or state courthouse to protest the police." Or imagine if these people were armed Muslims?!?)
- Republican candidates stay quiet on Oregon standoff
- Oil Advances as Saudis Cut Ties With Iran After Embassy Attacked
- Donald Trump’s provocative first TV ad raises the temperature of GOP race ("Provocative?" How about bigoted, vicious, fascistic?)
- Obama Opens 2016 With Another Big Push on Guns("Could an emboldened president really shake up the chronic gun debate in his final year in office?" Let's hope!)
- Militia Occupies Federal Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, Vows to Stay “For Years” (Cut off their power, starve them out, then arrest them.)
- All they want to do is screw over the president: Ryan, McConnell confirm they have no real agenda in ’16 besides blocking Obama
- As The Bundy Brothers Occupy Federal Building, Here Are The GOP Candidates Who Supported Their Dad
- Chuck Todd Doesn't Ask Rand Paul About Militia Takeover Involving Sons Of Ally Cliven Bundy (If these were African Americans or Muslims, Chuck Todd would devote the entire show to it, probably several shows.)
- Chuck Todd Allows Texas Lieutenant Governor To Hype False "Gun-Free Zones" Claim About Mass Shootings (What's the point of having a moderator if he won't ask questions, let alone tough questions? Might as well just have the guests show up and talk about whatever they want.)
- Fiorina Responds To Rose Bowl Tweet: Can't A Girl Have A Bit Of Fun? (What a bizarre human being.)
- CNN analyst: White militiamen aren’t a threat like black protesters because ‘they’re not looting anything’ (Is this an Onion satire or an actual thing someone said on the boob tube/idiot box? Sadly, the latter.)
- General Assembly 2016 preview: Highway tolls talk turning to reality in Hampton Roads
- Dailey: Don't give up Virginia's psychiatric hospital beds
- Congressman Bobby Scott to meet Monday with President Barack Obama about gun violence
- At the 10th largest school system, a violent threat comes every other day ("Retired Secret Service agent Tom Vaccarello analyzes threats to schools in Fairfax County.")
- Fredericksburg area called a 'pro-life hub' as abortion debate heats up
- New mayor seeks her footing in tradition-bound Alexandria ("Allison Silberberg promises more ethics, openness and slower development decisions.")
- D.C. area forecast: Arctic chill blasts into region to open week