
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Video: "Almost Like a Mob" in Spotsylvania; Bigots Shout that Mosque is "Evil," that "Every Muslim is a Terrorist"

by Lowell

For the WUSA9 exclusive report (great reporting as usual by Peggy Fox!)  on this disgusting incident in Spotsylvania County, Virginia on Tuesday night, click here. What I find most appalling about it, other than the anti-Muslim bigots (one with the word "free" and the American flag on his back - ugh) shouting at the civil engineer and business owner (who happens to be a Muslim), is the crowd. Note that they either applaud the bigot or do absolutely nothing to push back against him. In short, this is the classic example of "evil flourishes when 'good people' do nothing." I put "good people" in quotes, because I have no idea if the people who chose not to leap to the defense of their neighbor, the Muslim civil engineer and business owner making a presentation about a possible new mosque, are "good" or not. However, as someone who strongly believes that we are defined by our actions (or inaction), the failure of this peaceful Muslim man's neighbors to stand up for him against a raging, raving bigot is at least disappointing...