
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Four Bills I'd Be Thankful to See Passed by the Virginia General Assembly in 2016

The following are a few bills filed this week that jumped out at me as ones the Virginia General Assembly should most certainly pass in 2016. The first two, by Del. Kaye Kory (D), might actually have a chance, as it's hard to imagine even Republicans voting to let dogs die in overheated vehicles, or be taken away by predatory towing companies.

As for the following bill, by Del. Jeion Ward (D), that also should be a no-brainer, but I'm sure it won't pass, given Virginia Republicans' obsession with telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies, and also with getting in between a woman and her doctor.

Finally, the bill by Delegate-elect Paul Krizek regarding predatory lenders (see below), is excellent, except I'd make it 200 miles, not 20, and basically outlaw these bloodsuckers in Virginia. Still, passing Krizek's bill would be a great start towards heavily restricting them...if only Republicans (and a few "Democrats," like Dick Saslaw, who loooooove them some payday lenders) would go along.