
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Conservative Revolt Against Republican Party of Virginia Chair John Whitbeck?

by Lowell

The email below (click to "embiggen") was forwarded to me with this explanation:
The following email was sent to many members of the Republican Conservative Fellowship/caucus of the Republican State Central Committee. Russ Moulton is the chair of the Conservative Fellowship, also known as the Conservative Caucus of RPV. If you have any doubts about the veracity of this email, feel free to contact Mr. Moulton. It would appear that Mr. Whitbeck is in big trouble as he seeks re-election as the Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia. It will be difficult for him to win re-election without the support of conservatives on the committee. 
Actually, Whitbeck - the anti-Semitic "joke" dude, by the way, if you've forgotten - might actually not be "in big trouble as he seeks re-election," given that he is "presently unopposed" for Republican Party of Virginia chair (note: Whitbeck announced in June that he'd be running for reelection, to a full four-year term). We'll see if anyone steps up to challenge him...could be interesting if they do.