
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Mark Levine: Please help me canvass to re-elect Kathleen Murphy today!

by Mark Levine
Please help me canvass to re-elect Kathleen Murphy

It could be the single closest race in the General Assembly. If you know Kathleen, you know her to be a brilliant and necessary member of our Democratic team and a passionate advocate for gun-safety regulation following the murder of her brother some years ago.

She's been especially kind to me personally, showing me around the General Assembly when I visited Richmond in August and inviting me to join her in her district to speak against gun violence.

The Republicans' despicable lies and million-dollar ad campaign about tolls on I-66 -- which she opposes! -- have taken a terrible toll. (No pun intended.) We desperately need your help. The polls are tied, and WE CANNOT LOSE KATHLEEN. If you've done anything or nothing all year and you want to do just one thing to tip an extremely close race, please join me in traveling to Kathleen's district in the McLean area and get her elected.

Seriously, folks. This race could be decided by single digits. The gun wackos are out to defeat her and we really need your help. Just give Kathleen and me a few hours of your time today. Let me know if you're coming below and I'll put you in touch with the right people, or you can join me in an Alexandria/Arlington convoy to McLean. Just send me an email to