Friday News: Hastert Pleads Guilty; "Clinton's Happy Brew;" McAuliffe Takes Action on Guns
by Lowell
- Fearing Clinton ("The GOP was right to be worried.")
- Hillary Clinton's Happy Brew
- Krugman: Democrats, Republicans and Wall Street Tycoons ("In other words, while there are some differences in financial policy between Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Sanders, as a practical matter they’re trivial compared with the yawning gulf with Republicans.")
- In campaign money race, Democrats vastly outpacing Republicans
- Bush no longer the ‘shock and awe’ candidate (Well, he's "shock" in the sense of "shocked at the stupid s*** he says!" LOL)
- Jeb Bush has added the Redskins name issue to his stump speech ("The Republican presidential candidate jokes that the team's Native American moniker is not insulting — “I think ‘Washington’ is the perjorative term.” Yep, he's an idiot.)
- Obama extends U.S. military mission in Afghanistan into 2017
- Hastert's attorney says former speaker intends to plead guilty (Another hypocritical "family values" Republican, in this case the former Speaker of the House who, at the time, called for Bill Clinton's impeachment because of sexual improprieties that weren't a millionth as bad as what Hastert did.)
- U.S. budget gap for 2015 at $439 billion, lowest in 8 years (And it could have been even lower if Republicans had worked with President Obama instead of working for him to "fail.")
- Donald Trump, Ben Carson Threaten to Boycott The Next GOP Debate (But what would we all do without their brilliance, wit, sanity, etc? LOL)
- Jim Webb is a ghost in N.H., and seemingly the rest of the campaign trail (Just a deeply weird campaign all around, kinda like Jim Gilmore's.)
- Jim Webb: CNN Democratic Debate Was ‘Rigged’ For Clinton and Sanders (No, it's just that you're at 1% in the polls and barely running a campaign. #FAIL)
- Jim Webb Blames His Debate Demeanor on Being Ignored (What. Ever.)
- Jeff E. Schapiro's instant analysis on Donald Trump's rally in Richmond
- McAuliffe tackling guns with executive authority
- Va. Gov. bans guns in state buildings