by: lowkellWed Jan 22, 2014 at 12:22:53 PM EST |
More Teapublican lunacy, this time courtesy of far-far-far-right-wingnut Del. David LaRock. What next, should the "right to bear arms" include F-16 fighters, M-1 Abrams tanks, nuclear weapons...anything? Remember, when the 2nd Amendment was written, it was in the context of: a) citizen militias; b) no standing army; c) a largely agrarian nation; and d) inaccurate guns like muskets. Do you think a few things might have changed since then? Duhhhhh... P.S. The following press release is by the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV). Richmond, VA—Delegate Eileen Filler-Corn (D-41st) rose on the floor of the House of Delegates yesterday afternoon and spoke against HB 878, a bill sponsored by Delegate David La Rock (R-33rd) that would force local law enforcement to approve applications for dangerous, class 3 firearms. Class 3 firearms are military-grade weapons regulated under the National Firearms Act of 1934, including fully automatic machine guns, hand grenades, bazookas, anti-tank weapons, molotov cocktails, and silencers. In her speech, Delegate Filler-Corn pointed out the danger that HB 878 would pose to public safety by forcing law enforcement to make military hardware and ordnance available in Virginia’s neighborhoods. For nearly a century, class 3 firearms have been tightly regulated by federal and state governments alike because of the unique threat they pose to civilians. By totally removing the discretion that law enforcement has in evaluating class 3 applications, HB 878 would significantly enhance the danger these weapons pose to Virginia families. Both the Virginia State Police and the Virginia Sheriffs' Association spoke in opposition to HB878 when the bill was heard is subcommittee.
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence applauds Delegate Filler-Corn for standing up to this dangerous new scheme from the gun lobby. "Class 3 weapons like bazookas and fully automatic machine guns are highly dangerous and have been regulated successfully for 80 years," said CSGV Virginia State Director Lori Haas. "The existing regulatory structure has been successful precisely because local law enforcement has the discretion to prevent transfers of these weapons. Why on earth would we want to discard the good judgment of Virginia law enforcement in this process? Our great Commonwealth does not need a 'Bazooka Bill.’”
HB 878 is scheduled for a final vote in the House of Delegates this afternoon. |