
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wednesday News: Warner "wrestling with himself on Iran deal"; Scott Muses on Redistricting

Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, September 2.

*Obama visits receding glacier  in Alaska to highlight climate change
*It's on: Jeb Bush embraces a risky fight with Donald Trump
*CNN amends GOP debate criteria ("The cause: a lack of national public polling following the August 6 debate has so far provided only three new polls to determine the lineup for the Reagan Presidential Debate, according to a CNN statement.")
*Carly Fiorina earns spot on main stage at next GOP debate
*Clinton's accusers are running out of ammunition
*The choice for Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis: Follow the law or resign (Or be fired.)
*Kentucky Clerk Fighting Gay Marriage Has Wed Four Times ("A fellow gay marriage-resisting county clerk says 'that's forgivable.'" My god...)
*Biden's White House Ambitions May Die in Iowa-Again ("The vice president's state organization is about as hypothetical as his campaign.")
*We're about to find out how mad the GOP is: Hard choices in the looming Planned Parenthood shutdown fight ("Mitch McConnell doesn't want a shutdown over Planned Parenthood, and 2016 GOPers are going to make his life hell")
*Scott says redistricting could give Virginia a second black representative ("Reversing the General Assembly's gerrymandering of Virginia's congressional districts could move as many as 100,000 African-Americans to new districts and open the way for the state to elect two black members of Congress, Rep. Robert C. 'Bobby' Scott, D-Newport News, said Tuesday.")
*Howell/Norment Conspiring to Unseat Rigell, Forbes, Brat, and Comstock (Hahahaha, popcorn please!)
*Kaine backs Warner, who still ponders vote on Iran deal ("'Mark and I have talked about it a lot. I would just say this - this is a big and important issue and everybody needs to make their decision in their own time,' Kaine told reporters Tuesday at a news conference in Richmond.")
*Schapiro: Warner wrestling with himself on Iran deal ("Aligning with Obama - again - could further irritate Warner's conservative supporters in the corpocracy. They've never quite forgiven him for voting for the stimulus and Obamacare. Bucking Obama - again - likely inflames anew the liberal Democratic base. It largely stayed home in November because Warner distanced himself from Obama against Ed Gillespie. Warner nearly lost, struggling to a second term by less than 1 percentage point.")
*Dan Gecker says U.S. only wealthy nation without universal health care ("True." Also a disgrace.)
*Sen. Bill Stanley to lead charge for Ted Cruz in Virginia (Trying to decide who's more extreme and crazier: Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Donald Trump, other?)
*System's deadly failure ("His name was Jamycheal Mitchell, and he was 24 years old. Since he was a teenager, Mitchell had grappled with mental health problems that, according to one forensic psychologist, left him 'manic and hyperactive.' He needed medication. Treatment. Help.")
*Shootings' aftermath makes legislators defend support for gun rights (Sorry, but opposition to commonsense gun safety measures is indefensible.)
*Virginia spots deal on light-rail cars, offers four to Beach
*Metro files 2014 audit, says it's closer to getting its finances in order
*Virginia cameraman killed on-air laid to rest
*Nationals bullpen implodes again as Cardinals rally for 8-5 win (You must be freakin' kidding!)
*D.C. area forecast: Staying summery and sweaty for now; high hopes for holiday weekend