
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday News: "The never-ending idiocy of the 2nd GOP debate;" Trump Trumped?

Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, September 17.

*Exxon Believed Deep Dive Into Climate Research Would Protect Its Business (More evidence that these fossil fuel people are truly heinous, destroying our planet for their own profit. Grrrrrrrrrr.) 
*Republicans Got One Question About Climate Change At The Debate, And Totally Screwed It Up 
*The GOP farce plods along: Why last night's interminable debate was an affront to the party's patron saint ("Fiorina was declared the winner. But all we really know after last night's circus is that 'left-wing' Reagan lost") 
*Climate Denier Candidate Opens Debate By Making Joke About California's Drought (That's Marco Rubio, of course.) 
*Everything the Contenders Got Wrong About the Iran Deal (Basically everything they said was either ignorant or a lie. By the way, can any of these Republican clowns pronounce "Khamenei" correctly or "Bashar" - not "Bashir" - Assad?) 
*A Trump lie: He tried to expand casino gambling in Florida 
*Jousting with Trump signals new stage in race ("The candidate who has dominated the summer was often on the defensive in Wednesday's debate.") 
*Jeb Bush Defends His Brother's War In Iraq: 'He Kept Us Safe' ("Jeb Bush was backed into defending his brother's disastrous foreign policy.") 
*Asked About 14-Year-Old Arrested For Making A Clock, GOP Candidates Call For More Racial Profiling 
*Fact checking the second round of GOP debates (I turned it off after an hour or so, couldn't listen to any more of the lies and hysteria spewing from these extremists' mouths.) 
*Trump fails to stampede GOP herd ("His rivals stood their ground - and even landed some blows of their own.") 
*Most awkward moments in the GOP debate 
*The never-ending idiocy of the 2nd GOP debate: Trump blustered, Jeb flubbed & Fiorina did just enough 
*GOP debate: Donald Trump and Ben Carson embrace vaccine trutherism - despite admitting there's "extremely well-documented proof" of no autism link 
*It's official: The Republican Party has lost its mind 
*The one candidate CNN refused to invite to the debate ("But as his tweets vanished into the ether with scarcely a retweet, Gilmore showed his frustration...") 
*The Beginning of Trump's End? ("The GOP establishment may see some hopeful signs in the second primary debate.") 
*Round 2 in fight over state justice ("Gov. Terry McAuliffe doubled down on his selection of Jane Marum Roush for a temporary seat on the Supreme Court of Virginia, setting up a showdown with Republican lawmakers who've made clear they have no intention of electing her to a 12-year term.") 
*Sens. Warner, Kaine join push to compensate Blue Water vets for Agent Orange exposure 
*Parrish, Edwards have financial edge in key Senate races 
*Editorial: Open the TRAP on abortion ("Today, the state's Board of Health is slated to take up, once again, Virginia's ridiculously stringent regulations on abortion clinics. It should tear them up.") 
*Our view: A campaign penalty on redistricting ("There's also this irony, which we hope Fangonilo and other Republicans take note of: If the districts in question in Western Virginia were drawn more sensibly, Edwards' district would probably be less Democratic and more Republican - and the other would still be strongly Republican. The legal challenge to those districts actually benefits Republicans.") 
*Democratic Party of Virginia sells Shockoe headquarters ("The Shockoe Bottom building, once tied up in Mayor Dwight C. Jones' proposal for a Shockoe baseball stadium, was bought for $850,000 by Bacon Housing LP...Bacon Housing is tied to developers David and Brian White, a father-son duo involved in the plan to build 750 apartments around the proposed Shockoe ballpark.") 
*Virginia Hospital association warns of financial challenges 
*Va. hospitals pressure state lawmakers in ad campaign for ACA money ("Republicans won't touch Medicaid expansion, but struggling hospitals say there must be another way.") 
*Wagner, Republican vets call on McCollum to drop out of race 
*Several local contests not competitive financially ("Aside from the marquee contest to succeed retiring Sen. John Watkins, R-Powhatan, a number of contests for Richmond-area legislative seats do not appear competitive financially.") 
*21st Senate trio offer contrasting views on taxes 
*Virginia politics: No summer break in fundraising for Peninsula House races 
*Simonds hits Yancey on 460 position ... which is the same as Terry McAuliffe's 
*Better late: Werth, Nats pound Phils, trim another game off deficit 
*D.C. area forecast: Nothing but blue skies next three days; A taunt of showers early next week

Video: Republican candidates pile on Trump (0.00 / 0[delete comment]

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Video: Republican clown car candidates introduce themselves (0.00 / 0[delete comment]

Gotta love climate-science-denying doofus Rubio's lame drought "joke." Ha. Ha. Ha. Cruz: "If you're fed up with Washington," Ted Cruz is epitome of why you are. Carson: "I stress the pediatric part of my career," because the political part is laughable.  Trump: "I say not in a braggadocious way" - hahahahahahaha.  Bush: "I'm JEB Bush," and I look forward to explaining how I'll be less disastrous than my brother Dubya. Walker: "The greatest president" was a guy who signed an "amnesty" for millions of "illegal immigrants," who raised taxes multiple times, who exploded the debt, who expanded government immensely, who gave weapons (and a cake) to Iran, who negotiated with the "evil empire," etc, etc. Fiorina: "I am prepared to lead" in exactly the wrong direction, after totally mis-diagnosing the problems. Kasich: "I actually flew on this plane with Ronald Reagan," and neither Reagan nor Kasich would be accepted in today's far-right-wingnut Republican Party. Christie: "I'd like you to take the camera off me" - unfortunately for Christie, the camera's rarely been on him this campaign, which is why he's barely hanging on and will almost certainly not be the 2016 Republican nominee for president.

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Former Dem House of Delegates candidate Julie Jakopic to " help the write-in campaign to re-elect Mayor Euille" (0.00 / 0[delete comment]

WHY I AM TAKING A LEAVE FROM THE ALEXANDRIA DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEEAlexandria, VA - "Earlier this year when I decided to run in the primary for delegate, I did so as the next step in my decades long commitment to our city and to ensuring every member of our community can participate fully in our economy and society.  That means safe, quality, accessible education from preschool through college.  It requires access to health care, including mental health services. Finally it means we need to nurture and support the small businesses and entrepreneurs that employ our neighbors and make up the backbone of our economy.
That commitment has lead me to have the honoring of serving our community as chair of four important civic organizations-- Alexandria's Economic Opportunity Commission, Alexandria Community Services Board, Sheltered Homes of Alexandria and now Hopkins House. For similar reasons, I have belonged to the Alexandria Democratic Committee for more than twenty years, serving in a variety of roles including Deputy Chair for Finance and Administration for nearly six years.
Our city has recently received numerous accolades as a great place to live ( but we also face serious challenges. In light of the specter of another Federal sequester, state revenues that are still recovering from the recession, and an over-reliance on residential property taxes for revenue, it will require experienced leadership to address issues of our crowded schools and aging infrastructure while maintaining the services we and our neighbors need and expect.
While I deeply respect our past history, I am more concerned about our future success. Mayor Euille's stewardship of Alexandria, over the last decade, along with our city Council has been how we have weathered the recession, retaining our outstanding bond rating and our services, strengthened our schools and continued to attract business and residents to our wonderful city.
I have been and will continue to be a committed Democrat. Membership in the governing body of the party, the Alexandria Democratic Committee, requires supporting the slate of candidates determined on June 9th. I am totally supportive of our Council candidates. However, today I am requesting a leave of absence from the Alexandria Democratic Committee through November 4, 2015 in order to help the write-in campaign to re-elect Mayor Euille. I look forward to rejoining the committee after the election."

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Video: Ahmed Mohamed talks about being arrested at Irving school over clock (0.00 / 0[delete comment]

I'd take this kid for president any day over ANY of the Republicans on stage last night! ;)

Drudge online "poll" of GOP Debate: Trump 56%, Fiorina 19%, Rubio 6%, Cruz 6%, Paul 4%, Carson 4%, Bush 1% (0.00 / 0[delete comment]

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Gary McCollum: "I truly believed I was in the inactive Reserve and had no reason to believe that my status had changed" (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Democratic Virginia State Senate candidate Gary McCollum responds regarding questions about his military record:
My entire life I've been taught that part of leadership means taking responsibility when mistakes are made, it's something I feel very deeply.  So today I am writing to express regret for how my campaign characterized my status in the Army Reserve and attempt to explain how such an error could even be possible.From 1981 to 1989 I proudly served in the U.S. Army on active duty as a military intelligence officer and was part of the elite infantry division of the Army Rangers.
From 1989 to 1992 I then served in the active Army Reserve that involves regular drilling and communication with the military.
In 1992 I then became part of the inactive portion of the Reserve that involves no regular communication with the military.
From that point forward, until the news of this past week, I truly believed I was in the inactive Reserve and had no reason to believe that my status had changed.  What I have now been informed is that at some point in 2001 I should have received a letter informing me of my official discharge.   Not only do I believe I never received that letter, but even when my campaign requested my full military records earlier this year, there was no such note of discharge included.
Does this make it excusable that our campaign website and some printed materials read "currently a Major in the Army Reserve" instead of "was a Major in the Army Reserve"?  Of course not.
But while I am both remorseful and frankly embarrassed that an error like this occurred, at the same time I remain incredibly proud of my 20 years of service to our country.  I also remain proud of all the amazing efforts I have been a part of in our community, both through my work in business and the public service arena.
During the course of the campaign I have had the pleasure to meet many of you and hear your thoughts on how state government in Richmond could be doing more to make all our lives better.  I believe my life's work will allow me to go to Richmond and get things done for Virginia Beach, I hope as you get to know me you'll agree.
Thank you,

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Video: Hillary Clinton was excellent on Jimmy Fallon last night; do more of this! (0.00 / 0[delete comment]

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Video: Chesapeake School Board shares disgusting, anti-Muslim cartoon on Facebook (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Utterly appalling...a Republican not surprisingly. Blech.

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