VIDEO Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, August 22. Also, check out Trump's freak show in Alabama and just remember, THIS is the Republican Party of "birthers, truthers, and Internet trolls."
*Mr. Trump's immigrant-bashing rhetoric breeds violence
* Donald Trump: Spokesman for birthers, truthers, and Internet trolls * Large Southern rally is part of Trump's strategy * Stock market plunge wipes out this year's gains * The Absolute Insanity Of Donald Trump's Big Alabama Pep Rally, In 17 Tweets * Donald Trump Just Stopped Being Funny ("Win or lose, Trump's campaign threatens to unleash the Great American Stupid") * Webb: Super PAC money 'screwing up' the political process (Ya think?) * Hillary Clinton's Woes Pushing Joe Biden to Reach Out to Those Who Could Back a Campaign * Jeb Bush Super PAC Sends Mailer To 86,000 Iowans With Jeb's Head On A Black Body (WTF?!?) * Maybe This Time Really Is Different ("Historical precedents augur against Donald Trump-but perhaps the old rules no longer apply.") * The plot to destroy Shaun King: How Breitbart turned a ludicrous conspiracy theory into national news * Scott Walker makes a complete clown of himself: Now he says he has no position on birthright citizenship (Definitely not ready for prime time.) * The simple-minded populism that controls the GOP ("Just keep telling the voters that all problems have easy solutions") * For Carly Fiorina, just 'press one' to solve the nation's problems (Just press 1 if you think Carly Fiorina is utterly unfit to be elected to anything!) * Documents detail facts of Lynchburg oil train derailment * Pulling the plug on Virginia's bogus coal-vs-renewables argument * Kaine calls for shift in way drug abusers are treated * Dominion's donations partially subsidized by its customers * Warner still studying gig economy * Warner says new economy demands new policies * Captain gave another reason for taping prosecutor in Geer case, e-mail shows * Former Virginia first lady appeals corruption * ODU takes aim at region's challenges * Nats fall to Brewers, 10-3, to open crucial homestand with a big thud * D.C. area forecast: Mostly pleasant as far as the eye can see