
Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday News: Sloooow Start to the Week...Although Watch Out for #BlackMonday

Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Monday, August 24. Also, check out the discussion last night on the Georgia-based Kudzu Vine radio show about Virginia politics.

*Harry Reid: I will back Iran deal ("His support moves the Obama administration nearer to a veto-proof support")
*Global Stocks Plunge Further Amid Doubts About China
*Joe Biden Is Leaning Toward a 2016 Run ("Vice president's deliberations show how the presidential race is in flux for both parties")
*Donald Trump's nativist bandwagon ("That is the kind of thinking that Donald Trump, and the Republican presidential candidates who are pathetically jumping on his nativist bandwagon, would bring to this country.")
*Where Black Lives Matter Began ("Hurricane Katrina exposed our nation's amazing tolerance for black pain.")
*Scott Walker Takes His Third Position On The Hottest Issue In The Republican Primary (This guy is a complete joke.)
*Jim Webb: I met privately with Biden
*Editorial: Donald Trump's immigration lunacy ("Trump is the candidate of the primal scream. Like a primal scream, his campaign has no coherent message, no organizing principle, no concrete agenda. It is an emotional volcano, a geyser of raw id. Like a volcano, it is a phenomenon to behold. But if it isn't capped soon, both the GOP and the nation could end up badly burned.")
*Allen: Unilateral economic disarmament (Wow, for once I actually agree with George Freakin' Allen? "Pass a long-term reauthorization of the Ex-Im Bank with reasonable reforms before any more damage is done to American jobs and manufacturers.")
*Ex-Midlothian man hailed as hero in helping subdue train gunman
*Nationals are looking at long odds, 'have to get hot' to reach postseason
*D.C. area forecast: Summer's best weather week begins, save today's storm chance