
Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday News:Global Warming Heats Up; GOP Melts Down Over Immigration

Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Friday, August 21.

*Hottest Month On Record Portends Global Warming Speed Up
*California Drought Is Made Worse by Global Warming, Scientists Say
*Jeb Bush, Donald Trump Unapologetic for 'Anchor Baby' Language (Republicans continue to try as hard as possible to lose the Latino vote.)
*Can anyone compete against Trump?
*Paul Krugman: Debt Is Good ("Believe it or not, many economists argue that the economy needs a sufficient amount of public debt out there to function well. And how much is sufficient? Maybe more than we currently have.")
*Ailing Jimmy Carter 'at Ease With Whatever Comes'
*The Unauthorized History of the GOP's 30-Year War on Planned Parenthood ("Lawmakers were trying to destroy the group long before there were sting videos.")
*Teflon Don ("Nothing can seem to dislodge Donald Trump from the top of the heap, which has left the press and the political establishment to wonder: How does this end?")
*After coal, Appalachia to wind farm proposal: 'It's insulting, really.' ("A utility giant's years-long battle to put wind turbines on a mountain ridge meets stiff local opposition.")
*McDonnell asks U.S. chief justice to let him remain free on bond
*McCollum asks Wagner to join him on uranium issue, Wagner calls it a 'silly' request ("Gary McCollum, a Democrat challenging Republican Sen. Frank Wagner in Virginia Beach's 7th district, will hold an event with supporters on Friday 'to call for Virginia Uranium to end their lawsuit' against the commonwealth.")
*Fairfax police officer secretly taped call with prosecutor in John Geer case
*Threat of Confederate flag protest thwarts Kaine stop in Danville
*Feds investigate death of black inmate in Fairfax jail
*Mountain Valley Pipeline begins buying easements for proposed route in W.Va.
*Editorial: City finances are a fine mess ("The finances for the city of Richmond have been in such awful shape that Mayor Dwight Jones brought in what he called "a solid, experienced, professional team to turn around the city's finances." Four of the six individuals who made up that team have now left.")
*Nats finish trip West with a 3-2 loss in Colorado; 4 games back of idle Mets
*D.C. area forecast: Great weather for outdoor activities