![]() "Eric Cantor was defeated by GOP primary voters for being too cozy with Wall Street and the GOP establishment, and Jeb Bush is being relegated to middle-of-the-pack status by GOP presidential primary voters for exactly the same reasons. Jeb Bush seems to go out of his way to show he's out of touch." - Christina Freundlich, DNC spokeswomanNow, a few comments from on Twitter.@realDonaldTrump "Who wants the endorsement of a guy (@EricCantor) who lost in perhaps the greatest upset in the history of Congress?" @IngrahamAngle "Kiss of Death Alert: Eric Cantor will endorse Jeb Bush on Thurs. evening and will @michellemalkin "Dear America: Please do to JebBush what Virginia conservatives did to Big Govt loser Eric Cantor." @LOLGOP "If Jeb Bush had convinced Eric Cantor to endorse Donald Trump, that would have helped Jeb." @hotairblog "Eric Cantor to endorse - who else? - Jeb Bush" @chucktodd "Jeb's announcement of his VA co-chairs, which includes Eric Cantor, also interesting for who is NOT on it... ex-Bush 43 aide Ed Gillespie" @jeisrael - "Endorsement from Eric Cantor, the right winger so corporate the Tea Party voted him out, speaks volumes about Jeb!" @progressive_va "Corporate-owned loser endorses corporate-owned loser: Eric Cantor to endorse Jeb Bush" @RalstonReports "Twitter is not endorsing the Cantor endorsement." I'd just add that both Can'tor and Bush are two corporate peas in a corrupt pod, that this endorsement might help Bush with fundraising as he tries to buy the nomination, but that it clearly will backfire/is backfiring with the right-wingnut "base." Gotta love it. P.S. According to Politico: "Cantor is to introduce Bush on Thursday evening at a fundraiser in Richmond and then will appear with him Friday morning at a VFW post in Norfolk, for a town hall focused on veterans issues. Bush's other Virginia state co-chairs are Kay Coles James, director of the Office of Personnel Management under President George W. Bush, and John Hager, former Virginia lieutenant governor. Both will attend the fundraiser." |