UPDATE: For whatever reason, the ABC News video embed code doesn't work properly. Here's the direct link to the video. Enjoy!Last night, ABC Nightly News ran a story on the for-profit "education" industry, including how these people dupe prospective students into believing their "degree" will guarantee them a good job, rip off the taxpayer (to the tune of $24 billion in student loan and grant money in 2008-2009 alone), even recruit customers from homeless shelters. According to the intro to the ABC News report, "a government report of 15 for-profit schools says 4 of them encourage fraud, and that all 15 engage in deceptive practices." It's truly heinous. So, Chris Cuomo sits down with the for-profit "education" industry's lobby group head, Harris Miller -- once the "placeholder candidate" nearly foisted on us in 2006 by Democratic powers in Virginia, until the grassroots rose up and "drafted" Jim Webb -- to ask him some questions. The exchange in the last minute or so of the video is priceless. Check it out, after the "flip." |
lowkell :: Chris Cuomo Demolishes Harris Miller on For-Profit "Education" Industry |
Steve Eisman, Hedge Fund Manager: These companies are marketing machines, masquerading as universities.[...]The sad thing is, as painful as the interview is, Chris Cuomo's aggressiveness towards Harris "The Shiller" Miller is totally justified when you look at the for-profit "education" industry for which he lobbies (and makes beaucoup bucks doing so): a huge scam that rips off the taxpayer to the tune of billions of dollars per year, which deceives prospective students, and which saddles them with massive debt and worthless degrees. As Steve Eisman says, these "schools" are nothing "marketing machines, masquerading as universities." Call your Congressman and tell them the government should cut off these con artists and shut them down, ASAP!P.S. For more, see this diary on a Frontline story back in May of this year. |