
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Audio: Gov. Terry McAuliffe speaks about Moneta murders, "there are too many guns...too much gun violence"

Gov. McAuliffe nails it, as does Rep. Don Beyer (see his statement in the comments section): too many guns, too much gun violence, too many unacceptable and horrible gun-related tragedies like the one that happened this morning in Moneta, Virginia. So what, as a nation, are we going to do about this scourge?

Rep. Don Beyer: "Gun violence claims more than 30,000 lives per year." (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
"This morning in Roanoke two young people with their whole lives ahead of them were shot and killed. Another woman was shot and is in surgery fighting for her life. Gun violence claims more than 30,000 lives per year. I want to be able to tell the victim's families and loved ones that we did the best that we could to protect them. I want to be able to tell the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia that we will work to make sure this never happens again. No family should have to go through what Alison and Adam's families have to go through today. I am heartbroken over these tragic and unnecessary deaths. All of our hearts, prayers, and sympathy are with their families."

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Statement from Virginia State Police (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Shortly before 11:30 a.m., Virginia State Police spotted the suspect vehicle headed eastbound on Interstate 66 in Fauquier County, Va. With emergency lights activated the Virginia State Police trooper initiated a traffic stop on the suspect vehicle. The suspect vehicle refused to stop and sped away from the trooper. Minutes later, the suspect vehicle ran off the road and crashed. The troopers approached the vehicle and found the male driver suffering from a gunshot wound. He is being transported to a nearby hospital for treatment of life-threatening injuries.
The male driver is believed to be the same male subject who shot three people this morning in Franklin County during a television news interview.
The Franklin County Sheriff's Office will be holding a press conference at 2 p.m. TODAY at the Willard Office Plaza at 13245 Booker T. Washington Highway in Hardy, Va."

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Gov. McAuliffe: "We cannot rest until we have done whatever it takes to rid our society of preventable gun violence" (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Governor McAuliffe Statement on Conclusion of Search for Smith Mountain Lake Shooting SuspectRICHMOND - Governor Terry McAuliffe released the following statement today following the conclusion of the manhunt for the individual responsible for killing two individuals and wounding another this morning:
"Dorothy and I and our entire administration remain heartbroken over this morning's senseless tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims' families, the WDBJ staff and the entire community that is mourning this awful loss. We stand ready to offer whatever resources or assistance we can in the wake of this horrific incident. We also continue to pray for the safe recovery of Vicki Gardner, who was wounded in this terrible incident.
"On behalf of all Virginians, I want to thank the public safety personnel from across Virginia who responded with great professionalism and bravery to this threat.
"As we reflect with heavy hearts on this tragedy, it is appropriate to begin to ask questions about how we can prevent these senseless events in the future. Keeping guns out of the hands of people who would use them to harm our family, friends and loved ones is not a political issue; it is a matter of ensuring that more people can come home safely at the end of the day. We cannot rest until we have done whatever it takes to rid our society of preventable gun violence that results in tragedies like the one we are enduring today."

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Lieutenant Governor Northam Statement on Smith Mountain Lake Shootings (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Richmond, VA - Lieutenant Governor Northam issued the following statement regarding today's horrific shootings at Smith Mountain Lake:"First and foremost, Pam and I have Alison Parker, Adam Ward, and the entire WDBJ7 family in our thoughts and prayers. We are also praying for Vicki Gardner as she recovers. I heard about today's senseless tragedy in between seeing patients - children who aren't that much younger than today's victims. As a parent, I simply cannot imagine a more heartbreaking tragedy than what has occurred today.
There is no debate or question that we have a real and grave problem with gun violence. While more details will continue to emerge about today's events, it is undeniable that these horrible shootings are happening far too often across the United States. We need to put politics and special interests aside and make sure that we are doing everything we can to keep our communities safe."

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Apparantly (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
We're going to criticize the Governor for trying to score cheap political points.It makes me sick. The senseless waste of life and the absolute refusal to do anything about it.

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What are you referring to? (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
As for me, I agree strongly with Gov. McAuliffe and LG Northam and praise both for their strong statements. Rep. Beyer too...

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CSGV: "On-Air Shooting Brings Virginia's Gun Violence to the Commonwealth's Breakfast Tables" (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
From Lori Haas of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence:
Live Murder of WDBJ Reporters in Southwest Virginia Should Serve as a Turning Point for General Assembly Where Sensible Gun Laws are Long OverdueThe public is devastated by the murders of Reporter Alison Parker and Cameraman Adam Ward that occurred during a routine live report during the 6:30 am broadcast of WDBJ 7 News. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victim's family, friends, and colleagues at WDBJ.  
The Commonwealth of Virginia has had its share of horrific tragedies because of its lax gun laws and the killings this morning add to our sad history (Virginia Tech, the Navy Yard). Despite the fact that research and evidence provide opportunities to prevent dangerous individuals from accessing firearms (backgrounds checks on all purchasers; prohibitions on violent misdemeanants and persons subject to protective orders; and gun violence restraining orders), our elected officials from across the Commonwealth continue to put the moneyed interests of the gun lobby and NRA ahead of the safety of the citizens of the Commonwealth.
"The gun lobby and the NRA care about one thing: putting more money in their pockets at the expense of common sense regulations to reduce gun violence. These regulations target dangerous individuals with a history of violence - they would not impact law abiding citizens. The voting records of many of our elected officials show whose side they are on - and it's not the safety of their constituents", stated Lori Haas, the Virginia State Director for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, whose daughter was injured at the Virginia Tech shooting.
The lack of action facilitated by the votes of those in bed with the gun lobby speaks volumes. The horrific shooting this morning is shocking but not surprising. The horrors of Virginia's day-to-day gun violence were on graphic display today for all the world to see.   And this will continue unless meaningful action is taken by the General Assembly.  Thoughts and prayers are not enough.

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Video: Hillary Clinton says "we have got to do something about gun violence in America" (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
This is one area where I'm much more with Hillary Clinton than with Bernie Sanders.

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Virginia Chapter of Moms Demand Action: today "a horrifying depiction of what gun violence looks like" (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
"Today's tragedy has shaken communities well beyond those in the Commonwealth. As a mom, I do everything I can to protect my children, but I know through my work with Moms Demand Action there is more we can do as a nation to prevent the senseless gun violence that is invading the places we should be safe: work, school, church, at the movie theater. We watched this scene play out on live TV-a horrifying depiction of what gun violence looks like.  This is not the kind of reality TV we want to see-but it was a glimpse of the everyday gun violence that kills and injures so many Americans when the cameras aren't rolling. Every day, 88 Americans including seven children and teens are shot and killed. This is not the kind of country we want to live in.  We must work together to call on our elected leaders to reduce gun violence, and if they don't, we will find new ones who will."  

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Virginia Dem House Leader David Toscano on "Yet another tragedy in Virginia involving gun violence." (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Yet another tragedy in Virginia involving gun violence. My heart and sympathy goes out to the families of the victims, and I pray for the quick recovery of the other person injured in the shooting. As someone who has frequent contact with news teams, I know how close knit a community this is and how this is affecting the media in that area. This tragedy again focuses attention on the importance of gun safety policies and on our need to insure that those with mental health problems get the care they need.

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