Sadly, this isn't at all surprising. The bottom line, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists' "Climate Deception Dossiers": 1) "For nearly three decades, many of the world's largest fossil fuel companies have knowingly worked to deceive the public about the realities and risks of climate change;" 2) "Fossil fuel companies have almost certainly been aware of the underlying climate science for decades."; 3) Evidence of point #2 includes "a 1995 internal memo written by a team headed by a Mobil Corporation scientist and distributed to many major fossil fuel companies," which "warned unequivocally that burning the companies' products was causing climate change and that the relevant science "is well established and cannot be denied"; 4) Now, it's long past time for these companies to stop "funding climate contrarian scientists or front groups that distort or deny the science," as well as to "take immediate action to cut emissions from their current operations, update their business models to reflect the risks of unabated burning of fossil fuels, and map out the pathway they plan to take in the next 20 years to ensure we achieve a low-carbon energy future." And it's long past time that we, the people, demand that they do so. P.S. This includes Virginia-based companies like Dominion "Global Warming Starts Here" Power, Alpha Natural Resources, Appalachian Power Co., etc. |