
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Video: Manassas City Mayor Hal Parrish Attempts, Fails to Explain Anti-Women's-Health Vote

So much for Hal Parrish being in any way, shape or form a "moderate" Republican. Or, for that matter, a truth teller. I mean, seriously, does he think we are all idiots? As ProgressVA put it, "Mayor Parrish attempted to tell reporters and a large crowd of people on both sides of the [abortion] issue that it wasn't a vote about abortion." So...what were all these people doing there, if it's just about relatively snooze-inducing "land use?" Answer: Parrish is full of it. Unfortunately, Parrish is also going to be a tough Republican contender for the State Senate seat currently held by Sen. Chuck Colgan (D), who is retiring after many years of service. Democrats absolutely need to hold this seat, which is one of the main reasons I'm supporting Atif Qarni, as I believe he'd be by far the strongest candidate to face Parrish this fall.