Virginia candidates' fundraising numbers for the first quarter of 2015 are due today, and they're starting to trickle in. According to VPAP: "By 6 p.m. this evening, VPAP will post reports from General Assembly candidates and major state party/caucus committees that were received by COB at the State Department of Elections. Candidates and PACs have until midnight to file their reports. VPAP will update its listing early Thursday morning." Should be interesting. Anyway, here's what I've heard so far.Gov. McAuliffe: His "Common Good VA" PAC raised $758,452, ending with $334,091 cash on hand. LG Ralph Northam: His "Stronger Together" PAC raised $44k and ended with $83,223 cash on hand. AG Mark Herring: His "One Commonwealth" PAC raised $72k and ended with $41k cash on hand. DPVA: Raised $693,555, ended with $15,537 cash on hand. RPV: Raised $95,554, ended with $9,705 cash on hand. State Senate Virginia Senate Republican Caucus: Raised $230,247 and ended with $761,701 cash on hand. (lots more on the "flip") |
lowkell :: 1Q 2015 Virginia Campaign Money Numbers Are Now Available |
District 6: Senator Lynwood Lewis (D) raised $95k and had $119k cash on hand. Lewis' Republican oppponent, Richard Ottinger, raised $84k and had $68k cash on hand. District 7: Democrat Gary McCollum tweeted, "We raised over a quarter-million in our first fundraising quarter in the race!" The exact numbers: $250,815 raised, $209,975 cash on hand. Sen. Frank Wagner (R) raised $89,495, ended with $292,135 cash on hand. This should be a great race! District 10: I hear that Democratic candidate Dan Gecker raised around $240,000. UPDATE: According to VPAP, Gecker raised over $230k, very close to what I'd been hearing. Democrat Alex McMurtrie raised $50,000 (100% from himself), ending with $17,942 cash on hand. Democrat Emily Francis raised $61,811 and ended with $43,211 on hand. Republican Glen Sturtevant, who is unopposed for the nomination, raised $102,865 and had $81,698 on hand. District 13: Democrat Jill McCabe raised $65k, Republican Sen. Dick Black raised $35k, but had significantly more cash on hand than McCabe ($217k vs. $65k). District 21: Republican Nancy Dye raised $63k and had $85k cash on hand, while State Senator John Edwards (D) raised just $5k and had only $32k cash on hand. Hmmm. District 29: Republican Hal Parrish reported that he raised $330,000. Democrats Atif Qarni raised $35,744, had $48,436 cash on hand; Jeremy McPike raised $50,221, had $52,243 on hand; Michael Futrell raised $31,717, had $359 on hand. District 35: Senate Minority Leader Dick Saslaw raised $137,470 and ended with $238,243 on hand. District 36: Democrat Scott Surovell raised $94,742, had $77,562 on hand.House of Delegates House Minority Leader David Toscano raised $32k and ended with $252,720 cash on hand. House Speaker Bill Howell: His "Dominion Leadership Trust" raised $421,250 and had $895,957 on hand. House Democratic Caucus: Raised $225,583 and ended with $119,316 cash on hand. House Republican Caucus: Raised $43k and ended with $299k cash on hand. 13th District: Democrat Don Shaw raised $19k, had $41k on hand. Del. "Sideshow Bob" Marshall (R) raised under $9k, had $45k on hand. 28th District: Republican Susan Stimpson raised $46,135 and had $38,172 on hand in her race to unseat House Speaker Bill Howell (R), who raised $165,738 and had $179,642 on hand. 32nd District: Democrat Elizabeth Miller raised $25k and had $49k on hand. Del. Tag Greason (R) raised under $10k, but still has a CoH advantage with $64,749. 34th District: Republican Craig Parisot raised $108,789 with $77,121 on hand; Del. Kathleen Murphy (D) raised $73,769 with $135,643 on hand. 42nd District: Democrat Joana Garcia raised $4,745, with $3,572 on hand. Incumbent Del. Dave Albo (R) raised $6,106 and had $42,461 on hand. 44th District: Democrat Paul Krizek raised $46k, had $22k cash on hand. The other Democrat in this race, Justin Brown, raised $16k, had $14k on hand. 45th District: Democrats Mark Levine raised $70k (almost all a loan from himself) and had $70k on hand; Clarence Tong raised $39k; Craig Fifer raised $24k; Julie Jakopic raised $8k (of which nearly $3k came from Rob Krupicka); Larry Altenburg raised just under $2k. 86th District: Democrat Jennifer Boysko raised $70,340, had $128,559 on hand. Nice job! 87th District: With Del. David Ramadan (R) dropping out, this should open up a chance for Democrat Jack Tiwari, but he only raised $1,845, with just $1,377 on hand. Gotta crank that up big time, and fast! 93rd District: Del. Monty Mason (D) raised $27k, had $45k on hand. Republican Lara Overy raised $51k, had $35k on hand. Local Races Mt. Vernon District Supervisor: Democrats Jack Dobbyn raised $17k, had $3.7k cash on hand; Tim Sargeant raised $22k, had $14k on hand; Dan Storck raised $13.8k, had $7k CoH; Candice Bennett raised just under $5k, had $500 CoH. Arlington County Board: Democrats Peter Fallon raised $23,388, had $14.8k CoH; Andrew Schneider raised $32,096, had $28k CoH; Katie Cristol raised $26k, had $13k CoH; Christian Dorsey raised $13,880, had $8,373 CoH; Bruce Wiljanen raised $1,400, had $124 on hand; James Lander raised $8,320, had $3,279 CoH. Loudoun County: For Board Chair, Democrat Phyllis Randall raised $19k, had $14k on hand; Republican Charlie King raised $14k, had $4k on hand. For Algonkian District, Democrat Andrew Resnick raised $17k, had $23k on hand, while incumbent Republican Supervisor Suzanne Volpe reportedly raised $28,575. For Sterling District, Democrat Tony Barney raised $5,148, had $9,550 on hand, while Democrat Koran Saines raised $12,873 and had $6,632 on hand. Fairfax County: For Sully District, Republican Brian Schoeneman raised $27k and had nearly $13k on hand; Republican John Guevara raised $17k and had $3.5k on hand; Republican John Litzenberger raised $12k and had $6k on hand; Democrat Kathy Smith raised $29k and had $21k on hand. In Braddock district, Democrat Janet Oleszek raised $11k and had $7k on hand; Republican incumbent John Cook raised $37k, had $72k on hand. In Dranesville district, Republican challenger Jennifer Chronis raised $59k and had $52k on hand; Democratic incumbent John Foust raised $30k, had $43k on hand. Prince William County: For Board Chair, Republican Christopher Crawford raised $11k and has $1.7k on hand; Chair Corey Stewart (R) raised $13k and has $192k on hand; Democrat Rick Smith raised $56k and has $53k on hand. Nice job by Rick Smith! |