Arlington County Board member Walter Tejada gives a fiery farewell speech to the Arlington County Democratic Committee. Tejada emphasizes his commitment to fighting for human and civil rights, for economic justice, and for progressive values generally. Tejada blasted the election of John Vihstadt, a person he (correctly) argues "ran on an anti-government agenda and who does not share our Democratic values." He repeatedly stressed the importance of electing Democrats, that ACDC is a Democratic committee. He defended what has been criticized as "group think" as creating one of the best places to live in the country. "Standing up for progressive values could be at a crossroads in Arlington today...will we continue to make long-term investments and lead with bold and innovative initiatives, or will we become a timid and stagnant community?" He asked whether we would allow Arlington to become "a new Arlington of rich, entitled people lacking in compassion, empathy and sense of community, viscerally opposed to government of any kind, opposed to everything [they allege to be] 'overspending' on every front?" He reiterated his "unequivocal and unapologetic" support for the "modern streetcar system" and affordable housing efforts (also ending homelessness, providing resources for mental health treatment, helping integrate immigrants into the community and fighting xenophobia, among other things). Great stuff, gracias por todo a Walter Tejada!Also see the comments section for speeches by the two Democrats (Reid Goldstein and Sharon Dorsey) running for Arlington County School Board, and the five Democrats (Peter Fallon, Andrew Schneider, Katie Cristol, Christian Dorsey, James Lander) running for two open seats on the Arlington County Board. |