This is idiotic on at least four levels: 1) why doesn't the Chair of the Democratic Party of Virginia, Dwight Jones, have his own, verified Twitter account?; 2) why would anyone waste their time doing a fake Twitter account for Jones?; 3) why is the Republican Party of Virginia (RPV) wasting its time arguing with a fake Twitter account?; 4) why does the RPV keep talking about the fake "war on coal," when in reality what's killing coal is competition in the marketplace from cheap natural gas and plummeting renewable energy prices (plus decisions by countries like China to consume less filthy, planet-killing coal and more clean energy)? Just an all-around duhhhhhhhhhhhh/drooooool. By the way, Morgan Finkelstein is the Democratic Party of Virginia's press secretary, doing an excellent job staying on top of all the idiocy from RPV (a full-time job in and of itself!). |