Friday, January 2, 2015
Video: All You Need to Know About New PW County Supervisor Jeanine Lawson at 3:57 of This Video
Yep, it's a huge, enthusiastic ovation for extremist nutjob/former Virginia AG Ken Cuccinelli from the crowd on hand to support newly-elected Prince William County Supervisor Jeanine Lawson (Tea Party Republican). As for Lawson's remarks, yes, we DO know what you "stand for" (far-right-wing Tea Party values), and that's what is so disturbing. In fact, a leading Prince William County Democrat tells me that "she will be the most extreme right winger on the Board" (which is saying a lot, given that people like "illegal" immigrant basher Corey Stewart is chair of said Board), for instance saying supposedly saying stuff (according to my PW County Democratic source) in the past about how "preschool is a waste of money." This should be...uh, interesting?