
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Saslaw: Power to the Power Company!

by Kindler

Virginia Democrats' Saslaw problem reared its ugly head again, as the alleged leader of Senate Democrats voted toexempt Dominion Virginia Power from financial audits through 2023.Listen to Dominion's poodle ever-so-gently pretend to bite the hand that feeds him:

Senate Minority Leader Richard L. Saslaw (D-Fairfax) said doing nothing was not an option.
"I will vote to move it along, but I would just say this has a long way to go. I'm somewhat concerned about not having this biennial review," he said. And turning to Dominion officials in the hearing room, he said: "You might want to answer everything you heard here today from people who have a different perspective, on a point-by-point basis."
Yeah, take that -- happy to exempt the books of a monopoly chartered as a public utility from public scrutiny -- but you "might want to" actually respond to what other people say about you!  I'll bet that hurt!  (But keep those donations coming, please...)
Kudos to Attorney General Mark Herring, one of the few Democrats in the Commonwealth with the cojones to challenge Dominion's power play.  Governor Terry McAuliffe, who has not taken a stand on the issue, needs to step up and follow Herring's lead if he wants to be considered leader of the state.
And it's time for Democrats to stop allowing Saslaw to embarrass us, and finally replace him with a Senate leader who proudly upholds progressive values, and puts the people before the power companies.