
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Video: Del. "Sideshow Bob" Marshall Dares House Speaker Howell to "Make My Day and Kick Me Out!"

From the Virginia General Assembly Special Session on November 10, you've just gotta love this one. What happened was this:  "During Monday's one-day special session, [Del. Bob] Marshall warned House leaders of dire political consequences after Speaker William J. Howell, R-Stafford, blocked consideration of an amendment that Marshall proposed to prevent wholesale gasoline prices from rising Jan. 1 if Congress does not enact legislation to allow collection of sales taxes for Internet transactions, as provided in the transportation bill Howell sponsored last year." You can watch how the man we affectionately call "Sideshow Bob" for his craaaaazy antics responded to that!  Seriously, though, you've got to love Bob Marshall basically being one of only two Republicans (the other being Del. Mark J. Berg) willing to fight to block a tax increase, while just about all the rest of them went along with it.  So what's the deal, Virginia House Republicans, are you big-time "tax-and-spenders" or what?  Heh.
Virginia House Speaker Bill Howell:  "...since the floor amendment  addresses a subject matter beyond the scope of House Bill 5010, I'm going to rule that the floor amendment is not germane."
Del. Bob Marshall: "Mr. Speaker, I respectfully will appeal the decision of the chair."
Howell: "The gentleman has that option."
Marshall: "And I'll take whatever consequences the Republican caucus wants to impose upon me."
Howell: "Oh no you wouldn't." (laughter)
Marshall: "Oh yes I will. Make my day and kick me out, because at this point I really don't care Mr. Speaker."
Howell: "OK" (uncomfortable laughter)
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