Instead of Instead of this really stupid bill (click on image to "embiggen") by right wingnut and "Agenda 21" conspiracy theory/global warming denier nutjob Del. Scott Lingamfelter (R-of course), how about some better ones?First, though, why is Lingamfelter's bill -- "that when no candidate for an office receives more than 50 percent of the total votes cast at the general election for that office, a run-off election between the candidates receiving the highest and next-highest number of votes for that office shall be held" - a bad idea? Simple: because run-off elections (in this case, "to be held on the fourth Tuesday following the date of the certification of the results of the general election") almost always have far lower turnout than in the general election. In fact, according to Run-off elections for all offices also tend to have lower turnout that first round elections, especially if the first round election takes place on the same day as several other elections. For example, of 171 regularly scheduled primary runoffs for U.S House and U.S. Senate from 1994 to 2012, all but six of them resulted in a turnout decrease between the initial primary and the runoff, meaning that 96.5% of federal runoff elections had fewer people voting in the second round than in the first. The average decline in turnout was 35.3%.Additionally, the longer the wait between the initial primary and the runoff, the higher the decrease in voter turnout between elections.Primary elections with a gap of more than thirty days had a median decline in voter participation of 48.1%, while those with a gap of twenty days or less had a median decline of 15.4%.It also, of course, costs money to conduct a run-off election. As explains, this is because "jurisdictions must print ballots, recruit and train pollworkers, locate precincts, and prepare voting equipment -- not once, but twice." Another problem: "this process can often disenfranchise overseas and absentee voters, who will not have enough time to return their ballots after they have been printed and mailed to them." And yet another problem: ... two-round runoff elections require candidates to raise money twice, often requiring an influx of additional special interest contributions for the second round runoff. Coupled with low turnout in the runoff, this can allow these donors to leverage their campaign dollars for even greater influence, sometimes against the public interest. Similarly, well-organized groups who do not represent a majority of voters can take advantage of low turnout in the second round runoff to try and exert disproportionate influence over the result.Blech. Finally, keep in mind that lower turnout benefits...wait for it...yep, Republicans. So, shocker that a Republican, particularly one as right wingnutty as Scott Lingamfelter, would come with this idea? Nope.