
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Alan Howze Decisively Wins Arlington Democratic Nomination for County Board

The following statement is from the Arlington County Democratic to follow shortly. Congratulations to Alan Howze, and also great news for streetcar supporters, as the two candidates who supported the streetcar project won a combined 70% of the vote (also note that Cord Thomas specifically argued that this election was a referendum on the streetcar). :)UDPATEBen Tribbett has a fascinating analysis which finds that "in the full electorate, Howze defeated Thomas by an even more convincing 2,318 (65.5%) to 1,219 (34.5%)," and that "even with Thomas getting more first choice ballots over Fallon, that gave Peter Fallon a 1,919 (56.9%) to 1,453 (43.1%) win over Cord Thomas." Finally, Alan Howze received the fewest "last place votes," while Cord Thomas received by far the most.
FOR ARLINGTON COUNTY BOARD SPECIAL ELECTIONArlington, VA - Alan Howze, a civic activist and Arlington native, has been elected the Democratic candidate for the April Special Election to fill the Arlington County Board seat vacated by the resignation of Chris Zimmerman.
Mr. Howze won with 52% of 3585 votes cast during the two caucuses held Thursday January 30 and Saturday February 1 by the Arlington County Democratic Committee (ACDC). Entrepreneur Cord Thomas received 30%, and former Planning Commission Peter Fallon received 18%.
Alan was born in Arlington, and he and his wife Pam and three young children live in the Highland Park-Overlee Knolls neighborhood. He has a strong history of civic work in Arlington, and currently serves as the President of the Highland Park-Overlee Knolls Civic Association, Vice-Chair of the Fiscal Affairs Advisory Commission (FAAC), and a Board Member of the Alliance for Housing Solutions. A graduate of James Madison University with an MBA from the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business, Alan is a management consultant at IBM where he has worked with federal, state and local government leaders on a variety of strategy and transformation initiatives to reduce costs and improve the delivery of government services. For more information visit the campaign website.
Arlington County Democratic Chairman Kip Malinosky issued the following statement regarding the vote:
Kip Malinosky: "Arlington Democrats are thrilled to rally around Alan Howze.  He has an outstanding record of service to our community and a vision for greater Arlington.  We know how important it is to have our Democratic values represented at all levels of our government."
The date of the special election will be set by the Circuit Court; most likely it will be on Tuesday, April 8, 2014.