In addition to the excellent background diary posted by Dan Sullivan this morning, it seems to me that an "open thread" on the Virginia AG "recount" is in order. Note that this spreadsheet, being updated by @Taniel and @notlarrysabato, is an excellent source for the latest numbers. As of 5:12 pm, Mark Herring has picked up 183 votes, while Mark Obenshain has picked up 92 votes, for a net increase of 91 votes for Herring and a lead of 256 votes (up from 165 votes at the start of the "recount").UPDATE 8:22 pm: Adam Zuckerman of the Herring campaign reports, "Final results: Herring +907. Herring 1,105,045. Obenshain 1,104,138." UPDATE 4:07 pm: Talking Points Memo reports: "'As we near the conclusion of the recount I'm confident that the final total of the recount is going to show Mark Herring ahead,' Obenshain said Wednesday at a press conference. Obenshain added that the attorney general race is 'over.' He said he called Herring earlier in the day to concede the race." UPDATE 12:56 pm: @benpershing tweets, "Odd scene at #vaag recount court in Richmond, lawyers keep arguing over ballots even though Obenshain will concede." Ha, gotta love lawyers! UPDATE 12:35 pm: The @washingtonpost tweets, "#BREAKINGNEWS: Republican candidate Obenshain will concede in Virginia AG race " :) @MSchmidtRTD adds, "@MarkObenshain to hold news conference at 3pm. Several sources indicate he may be conceding in #VAAG race before court wraps recount today" UPDATE 11:51 am Wednesday: Per WRIC, "Herring's campaign says the 866-vote edge has been reached with 73 percent of the recount statewide completed." UPDATE 8:35 pm: @BrianSchoeneman tweets about Fairfax County's results: "Final unofficial numbers until we finish double check: Obenshain +206, Herring +572. Net Herring + 366. 13 challenged ballots." UPDATE 5:04 pm: @notlarrysabato tweets, "1158/2558 in- margin is 632. Mark Herring 1,104,510-- Mark Obenshain 1,103,878. This one's over folks" UPDATE 4:54 pm: @benpershing tweets, "Loudoun has completed its #VAAG recount: Herring net gain of 62 votes, w/ 2 challenged ballots sent to Richmond." @Taniel tweets, "Insane: Thanks to Loudoun, Mark Herring's lead has now broken the 600-vote barrier -- 632, to be exact!" UPDATE 3:34 pm: I'm told that Herring picked up 2 votes in PW County. UPDATE 2:42 pm: Herring campaign attorney Marc Elias said that there's a lot of counting going on, with data flowing in every minute. Having said that, as of 2:25 pm today, 49% of the state has been recounted, and Herring has gained 742 votes, Obenshain 300, for a net increase of 442 votes (and a 607 net margin for Herring). What's most important, in Elias' view, isn't the absolute numbers but what the trend is and how the recount is shaping up. One question is trying to figure out which challenges might or might not be upheld. But the number of challenges isn't that great (there are under 100 so far) and are highly unlikely to change the outcome. (note that there have been more challenges to Herring ballots than to Obenshain ballots) |