
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Video: Bill Clinton Rallies Several Hundred for Virginia Democratic Ticket in Dale City

I attended this afternoon's rally for the Virginia Democratic ticket in Dale City. It was crowded, with around 450 people jammed into VFW Post 1503 on Minnieville Road, and people seemed to be fired up. I'm uploading my videos to YouTube now, and will post them here and in the comments section as they're ready. First, here's a short clip of Democratic Party of Virginia Chair Charniele Herring starting to speak about why she got into public service and why it's so important to elect the Virginia Democratic ticket. Check out the "flip" for video of the crowd cheering for Terry McAuliffe, and then Terry starting to introduce former President (and Governor, as repeatedly noted) Bill Clinton. Also check out the comments section for more videos.

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Video: Rep Gerry Connolly Speaks at Rally in Dale City (10/27/13) (0.00 / 0[delete comment]

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Video: Mark Herring speaks at rally in Dale City (10/27/13) (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
And now presenting...Virginia's next Attorney General! :)

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Video - McAuliffe: Cuccinelli Sponsored Bill to Allow Emergency Rooms to Fingerprint People (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
At a rally in Dale City, Virginia with Bill Clinton, Terry McAuliffe points out that Ken Cuccinelli has called Medicaid "outright welfare," and has said that Social Security and Medicare were "created by bad politicians to make people dependent on the government." McAuliffe also noted that Cuccinelli has complained about Virginians "clog up emergency rooms," and was the "sole sponsor of legislation...that would allow emergency rooms to fingerprint individuals who were not able to pay their bill immediately" (crowd gasps in horror).

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Video: Bill Clinton Speaks at Rally in Dale City, Virginia (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Former President Bill Clinton speaks at a rally of several hundred people for Terry McAuliffe in Dale City, Virginia on 10/27/13. He urges everyone in Virginia to vote next Tuesday, November 5, for Terry McAuliffe, Ralph Northam, and Mark Herring, and to reject the politics of rigid ideology exemplified by the Republican ticket of Ken Cuccinelli, EW Jackson and Mark Obenshain.

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Did you notice . . . (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
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Check out the crowds in the videos . . . old, young, white, black, brown, women, men . . .

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Yeah, nobody who happened to wander in randomly (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
certainly would have mistaken this for a Republican rally. :)

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Video: McAuliffe Hits Cuccinelli for Mocking Moderation, Failing to Stand Up to Ted Cruz (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
At a rally in Dale City, Virginia with Bill Clinton on 10/27/13, Terry McAuliffe talks about the government shutdown's "devastating" impact on Virginia's economy, and how it was a "national disgrace." Yet, McAuliffe points out, Ken Cuccinelli was recently campaigning with Ted Cruz, the "architect of the shutdown," and has refused to stand up for Virginia jobs, because he's more concerned about his reputation with the Tea Party. In addition to the shutdown, McAuliffe notes that Cuccinelli is extreme on many other issues as well, while he is focused on "issues that bring Virginians together - improving education and creating good paying jobs." McAuliffe says "our mainstream ticket thinks that the budget should be based on common sense fiscal responsibility and investing in our shared priorities like the best education system," while "their Tea Party ticket...views bipartisanship as betrayal," and has proposed an education plan that would "divert money away from public schools." Finally, McAuliffe reminded people that Cuccinelli has mocked moderation, and has said that "this election is about showing that conservatism isn't dead."

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Photos: Virginia's next Lt .Governor and next Atty. General with Bill Clinton (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
BTW, Bill Clinton was Attorney General of Arkansas before he was elected Governor.