
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Photos, Video: Packed House Cheers Terry McAuliffe, Hillary Clinton

I just got back from the "Women for Terry McAuliffe" event this afternoon at the historic State Theater in Falls Church, Virginia. I'll be posting more photos and videos as I process them (note, the photo to the right is by Del. Scott Surovell), but let's just say for now that it was a great event before a packed house, with people fired up for the Democratic ticket and of course for former Senator and Secretary of State (and possibly future president, speaking of "historic"!) Hillary Clinton. The former First Lady, U.S. Senator and Secretary of State made her first political appearance in several years, on behalf of her good friend Terry McAuliffe, who she showered with praise as a father, as one of the most big-hearted and hard-working people she knows, and as someone who will work 24/7 for the people of Virginia as their governor.A major theme of the speeches this afternoon was protecting women's rights, which would come under serious attack if (god forbid) Ken Cuccinelli and his "extreme team" ticket were ever elected. As Terry McAuliffe put it, he will stand as a "brick wall" between any extreme legislation coming out of the Virginia General Assembly when it comes to women's health and reproductive freedom. He pledged to make Virginia an opening and welcoming place for everyone, one which again is in stark contrast to Cuccinelli and his Tea Party ticketmates.
Also speaking of "historic," Virginia Democrats are on the verge of making history in just over 2 weeks, with the possibility of sweeping all three statewide offices. Let's do it!
P.S. See the comments section of this post for more photos and video.

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Photo: Virginia Democratic Ticket and Hillary Clinton (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Photo by Del. Ken Plum. Thanks!

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Photo: Crowd at State Theater (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Photo by Adam Zuckerman - thanks!

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Photo: Terry, Dorothy McAuliffe and Hillary Clinton (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Photo by Adam Zuckerman - thanks!

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Teapublican protestors (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
The guy's t-shirt is filled with lies (click to "embiggen"), as is the part about Terry McAuliffe being a "Virginia outsider" (do they realize that many people relocated to Virginia from other states, including Ken Cuccinelli, who was born in New Jersey?).

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Photo: DPVA Chair Charniele Herring speaks (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Click to "embiggen."

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Photo: Packed House at "Women for Terry McAuliffe" event (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
at the State Theater in Falls Church this afternoon.Photo by Del. Scott Surovell - thanks!

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Nice pics (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
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Got any video?

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Posted some already, uploading the rest to YouTube (0.00 / 0[delete comment]

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Video: DPVA Chair Charniele Herring kicks off "Women for Terry McAuliffe" event (0.00 / 0[delete comment]

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Video: Terry McAuliffe, Ralph Northam, Mark Herring and Hillary Clinton (0.00 / 0[delete comment]

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Meanwhile, here's the extremist Cuccinelli's campaigning with (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
From DPVA:
Cuccinelli Campaigns with Fellow Anti-Women's Health Care Tea Partier Mike HuckabeeFollowing a week of shocking revelations about Ken Cuccinelli's divisive and extreme comments attacking women's constitutional right to make their own health care decisions, Ken Cuccinelli this weekend is campaigning with fellow anti-women's health care Tea Partier Mike Huckabee. Huckabee has endorsed the same type of "personhood" legislation that Cuccinelli advocated for and cosponsored, which the AP said "would effectively outlaw all Virginia abortions" and which experts say could ban common forms of birth control like the pill.
"Rather than focusing his campaign on mainstream issues like jobs and the economy in these final weeks, Ken Cuccinelli is showing Virginia voters his true extreme agenda by welcoming fellow anti-women's health care Tea Partier Mike Huckabee to the Commonwealth," said DPVA spokesperson Brian Coy. "From trying to ban the pill to warning that God will punish America for allowing women to make their own health care decisions, Ken Cuccinelli is the most extreme candidate for governor Virginia women have seen in memory."

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Video: Mark Herring speaks at "Women for Terry McAuliffe" event (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Herring gave a strong speech, stating that the "choice for Virginia could not be clearer" in this race. Herring emphasized his commitment to the importance of women's access to healthcare, to supporting strong measures to preventing wage discrimination, to protecting Virginia's families, to tightening penalties against domestic violence, and more. Herring urged that everyone redouble their efforts in the closing 17 days to elect the entire Democratic ticket.

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Photo by Adam Zuckerman: "Right after I met Madame Secretary." (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Photo by Adam Zuckerman, who captions it "Right after I met Madame Secretary."

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Video: Ralph Northam emphasizes "mainstream, bipartisan solutions" (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
He vowed to fight for women's rights, saying that a bunch of men in Richmond shouldn't be telling women what to do with their bodies.  He argued that Virginia must be welcoming and all inclusive.  And he stressed that Virginia needs high-quality health care, education, and infrastructure.

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Photo of McAuliffe, Northam, Herring and Hillary Clinton (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Nice photo by Sue Langley - thanks!

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Video: Teacher of the Year introduces Dorothy McAuliffe's speech (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Dorothy McAuliffe is introduced by Prince William County science teacher Kellie Blair Hardt, named one of five national teachers of the year.  Dorothy McAuliffe then speaks about how important this election is for Virginia, and specifically for Virginia women. Dorothy McAuliffe promises that Terry will stand "like a brick wall between extreme legislation and Virginia's women."  She emphasizes the importance of investing in our teachers and in education - "our most important asset" - in general. Finally, Dorothy talks about what a great dad Terry is and how hard working he is (and will be as governor of Virginia).

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Video: Terry McAuliffe introduces HIllary Clinton's speech (4.00 / 1[delete comment]
Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe introduces former First Lady, U.S. Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at a "Women for Terry McAuliffe" rally on 10/19/13 at the historic State Theater in Falls Church, Virginia. Clinton "enthusiastically" endorses "my friend Terry McAuliffe to be your next governor." At one point, Clinton is talking about what kind of leadership it takes to keep America great, and someone in the audience yells out "yours!", to enthusiastic cheers. She talks about her close friendship with the McAuliffes, lavishes praise on both Dorothy ("she will bring both passion and compassion back to Richmond") and Terry ("I've seen the values that he was raised with...taught about the dignity of work and the importance of looking out for each other...what you see is truly what he is...he has maybe the biggest heart and the most open mind of anyone you'll ever meet...Terry has always been there for me, and I'm pleased to be here for him...Terry has what it takes to lead Virginia forward in this rapidly changing world."). She emphasized that "the whole country is watching this election" to see "if the voters of Virginia lead the way of turning from divisive politics, getting back to common sense and common ground...if it's possible to move towards a new economy that works for everybody...where equal work really does mean equal pay...if the right of women and girls will be respected, especially over our own bodies and our health care."She said she's seen leaders who are "divisive"/"exclusive" and others who are "unifiers"/"inclusive." She noted that we just saw an example of the wrong kind of leadership in Washington, politicians choosing "scorched earth" and operating in the "evidence-free zone." And we all felt the consequences - "that is not the kind of leadership we need in Virginia and America today."
She referred to "problem-solving governors like Mark Warner and Tim Kaine," who "reached across the aisle" and getting results - and that this is the type of governor Terry McAuliffe will be (she gave the example of the transportation bill). She said Terry will make Virginia the most welcoming place in America for people of every race, religion, and sexual orientation. He will work to extend pre-k education for our kids. She said Terry will stand up against attempts to restrict women's health choices and to ban common forms of birth control - "you will not have to worry about that" with Terry as governor. Terry "does not have a discriminatory bone in his body." "Openness and tolerance are essential" to attract the "best minds" from around the world, to build a "creative, dynamic and diverse economy." "Terry is running for governor for the right reasons." "There isn't anyone who will bring more enthusiasm to helping you to have the kind of life" you want, he will be a 24/7 governor for Virginia. She stressed the importance of everyone voting not just in NATIONAL elections but in STATE elections. She urged everyone to vote for and work hard to elect Terry McAuliffe on 11/5.

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Video: Terry McAuliffe speaks at rally with Hillary Clinton (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
Terry says he wants all Virginia children to grow up knowing that they have the opportunity to succeed, and that shouldn't change regardless of your race, religion, or where you were born...or whether you are a man or a woman. He emphasized the importance of combating wage discrimination - if you work the same job, you should earn the same page. He argued strongly for expanding Medicaid - to cover 200,000 uninsured Virginia women, to bring federal tax dollars back to us, to increase access preventive care (e.g., cancer screening, prenatal checkups). Virginia women should know that as governor, "I will be a brick wall to stop any efforts to take away your rights." "I trust women to make their own decisions about their own" health care. "I will veto any legislation that would restrict birth control." "I will fight hard to stop the closure of women's health clinics...I will oppose divisive legislation that really is just an effort to erode a woman's constitutionally protected right to make her own health care decisions." Unfortunately, "the Tea Party here in Virginia is still very strong...just look at what happened in Washington...they know that if this election is about the issues that matter to Virginians, they cannot win." "That's why I need your help more than ever" in the last days of this campaign. "When women vote, Virginia wins."

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Two more Hillary photos (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
by the McAuliffe campaign (not sure if these are by Jack Powers or Amr Mounib. Either way, they're excellent.

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Great photo of Mark Herring (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
by Amr Mounib.

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Excellent photo of Dorothy McAuliffe (0.00 / 0[delete comment]
by Amr Mounib.

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