
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Climate Science Denier Topper Shutt Calls False, Debunked "Global Cooling" Article "Interesting"

The following is a guest column by former Loudoun County Board of Supervisors member Andrea McGimsey. I encourage everyone to Tweet this article to Topper Shutt at @toppersweather or to email him at
It is disheartening to turn on the news in one of the most educated media markets in the country and hear a local meteorologist on WUSA 9 talking about "global cooling." That's what happened last night.  Curious, I did some research and found that Topper Shutt has a history of being a climate denier as documented on Blue Virginia.  I also found that Mr. Shutt had tweeted this widely debunked article from the UK paper The Telegraph, saying it was "interesting."
Perhaps Mr. Shutt should pay attention to the American Meteorological Association, his peers, when they say, "Warming of the climate system now is unequivocal..."
Or perhaps he could pay attention to the National Academy of Science, the nation's preeminent association of scientists when they say, "The need for urgent action to address climate change is now indisputable"
It is one thing for a citizen to be misled by the disinformation of the climate denier industry, fueled by money from the oil-drenched Koch brothers.  It is another for a well-known meteorologist to do so, on air, in one of the biggest media markets in the country. Management of this media outlet needs to take responsibility for his misinformation and take some action. I encourage anyone concerned about this kind of blatant and anti-science climate denialism to contact them at
Finally, to address the bogus issue of "global cooling" framed in The Telegraph's article, Mr. Shutt should take a look at this graph from Skeptical Science.  It's called noise, Mr. Shutt, as the arctic sea ice continues its death spiral due to global warming.