The flip side of this is we need to absolutely CRUSH the medieval-style extremist team of Ken "I hate contraception, sodomy, gays, voting rights and science" Cuccinelli, EW "Planned Parenthood=KKK" Jackson and Mark "Criminalize Miscarriages" Obenshain. These people would be an absolute disaster for Virginia, especially given that the Teapublicans overwhelmingly control the Virginia House of Delegates, and are neck and neck in the Virginia Senate. If we give the most extreme of extremist Republicans the keys to the Governor's Mansion, the Lt. Governor's ability to break ties in the Senate, and the Attorney General's office...well, you can look just to the south of Virginia, to North Carolina, for a preview of the disasters that await us. In short, there's plenty of work for all of us, in whatever area we prefer (door knocking, phone banking, writing letters to the editor and/or social media posts, donating to our favorite candidates, etc.) through November 5. Thanks, and go Virginia Democrats! |