
Monday, June 24, 2013

Fairfax Republicans Nominate Homophobic "Ex-Gay" Proponent to Board of Elections

Just when you think Republicans can't get any crazier, they go ahead and do just that. See the image at the far right (appropriately enough; click to "embiggen"), which announces that "with great pleasure" the Fairfax County Republican Committee's endorsements for the Fairfax County Board of Elections. Note the first name on the list, Stephen Hunt? Sound familiar? Does this article ring a bell from back in 2005?
The Fairfax County School Board issued a public reprimand last night to a member who sent a letter to high school principals urging them to ensure that students hear the views of people who believe homosexuality is a choice and a "destructive lifestyle."After a unanimous vote and a nearly two-hour closed session that ended about 11, Board Chairman Phillip A. Niedzielski-Eichner (Providence) released a board statement criticizing the actions of Stephen M. Hunt (At Large).
This week, Hunt sent a letter to the district's 24 high school principals in which he expressed concerns over the way homosexuality is taught in the school system and encouraged the addition of speakers with an "ex-gay perspective."
Yep, the guy's yet another raving, sex-obsessed (in a really, really unhealthy way) Republican. What's amazing is that the party keeps nominating these freaks - Hunt, EW Jackson, Ken Cuccinelli, Mark Obenshain, etc. - for public office. What's wrong, they couldn't find any better candidates on street corners ranting and raving about the end of the world or whatever? Apparently not.By the way, if you're interested in more on Stephen Hunt, see Is Stephen Hunt Another "Sideshow Bob" (Marshall)?Mary Lee Cerillo on Steve Hunt's Anti-Gay Obsession, and Are The Republicans Dumb Enough To Nominate Steve Hunt? As to that last question, the answer is clearly "yes." Now here's a suggestion for Stephen Hunt: instead of seeking public office, how about joining "ex-gay" group Exodus International in shutting down and apologizing for promoting "years of undue suffering and judgment" toward LGBT people?!? Just a thought...