Thursday, May 30, 2013
Video: Meet the Abortion, Sex-Obsessed Teapublicans Who Nominated Cuccinelli, Jackson, Obenshain
Thanks to Ben "Not Larry Sabato" Tribbett; here's some more fascinating video - which I've summarized with a few illustrative quotes - from the Virginia Republican Party Convention a few weeks ago. Just remember, these are the (extreme, sex-and-abortion-obsessed people) who nominated Ken Cuccinelli, EW Jackson and Mark Obenshain. After watching this video, I think you'll understand why they did!
*"I'm not a big fan of contraception, frankly...pretty soon I guess we'll hand [morning-after pills] out to babies."
*"Millions and millions of babies that are being murdered, slaughtered."
*"These are people who chose to take human life for a living..."
*"It's the abortion issue, it's the mass slaughter of innocent children that I believe that EW and Cuccinelli as well are against."
*"One thing...would be to ensure that there's never any funding for Planned Parenthood or for any type of family planning clinics in Virginia...I think that's something, if we do elect a Republican Lt. Governor, we would be able to perhaps get that through."
*"...our state is very supportive of the foundation of marriage being between one man and one woman."
*"EW truly Obama's worst nightmare."
*EW Jackson is "not offended by color issues."
*"Northern Virginia ought to be cut off from the state."