
Monday, February 18, 2013

Video: Sen. Herring Denounces Virginia GOP's Relentless "War on Voters"

According to Sen. Mark Herring, "just as the 2012 General Assembly session became know for the 'war on women,' the 2013 General Assembly session could easily be known as the 'war on voters.'" So true. Sen. Herring adds that the long lines at polls this past November were "unacceptable," yet Republicans' response was to submit legislation to "make it harder and harder for people who disagree with them to vote." Instead, Sen. Herring argues, we need to be making it as easy as possible for Virginians to exercise their right to vote. Thanks to Sen. Herring for standing up against the Republicans' blatant, anti-democratic (small "d") efforts. I look forward to next January, when Attorney General Herring can stand up for all Virginians.