I am very happy to see this - good for Del. Toscano, doing the right thing instead of the political thing, in this case. If you haven't been following this story, see here (1/31/13: "Albemarle County Supervisor Chris Dumler pleaded guilty to misdemeanor sexual battery in court Thursday morning.") and here (2/28: "Woman Involved in Dumler Sex Case Speaks Out"), and here ("Chris Dumler, Resign" Facebook page). Also see here for audio of Albemarle citizens speaking at a 2/25 board meeting about the Dumler case.STATEMENT ON CHRISTOPHER DUMLERDuring the General Assembly session in Richmond, I have been monitoring the debate about whether Supervisor Christopher Dumler should step down in light of his guilty plea. I am increasingly concerned that Mr. Dumler's continued service on the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors has become a distraction. I have met with him, and have discussed the circumstances of his case with a number of county leaders, and while I understand that it is his decision to make, it is my view that it is in his best interest and the best interest of the county for him to step down. I know it is very hard for him to leave his post because he feels an obligation to many residents of Scottsville Magisterial District who elected him and who are concerned about losing a voice should he resign. I, therefore, hope that, if he resigns, all efforts will be made to find a replacement who reflects the political views that Mr. Dumler has clearly articulated while on the Board. The citizens of the Scottsville District and county residents deserve nothing less.P.S. Also see Coy Barefoot's radio show for discussion of this issue. |