
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Dirty Energy Industry Invests in Cuccinelli

By Kindler

The fundraising reports for the governor's race are out, and one pattern is crystal clear -- Big Oil, Gas and Coal are betting a LOT of money on Cuccinelli. They clearly like his approach of launching legal assaults on climate scientists and relentlessly attacking EPA and just want to say "thank you" in the way that only big corporate contributions can.His early supporters include:
- The Koch brothers, via their subsidiary, Intrust Wealth Management: $50,000
Alpha Natural Resources, America's third largest coal producer, which also includes the notorious former coal company Massey Energy, which collapsed after the Upper Big Branch Mine disaster revealed the many ways in which it had been blatantly violating environmental, safety and health laws: $10,000
- Dominion PAC, the rightful owner of the Virginia government that they have bought and paid for so many times over: $10,000
Consol Energy, another massive coal company and major player in the natural gas fracking indusry: $25,000
All that plus $50,000 from The Presidential Coalition, part of Citizens United, the group that has done so much to ensure that big corporations like these are unlimited in their power to continue to buy the politicians, agencies and legislation that strike their fancy.  
All the more reason for you and I to support the one barrier standing in the way of Governor Cuccinelli turning Virginia into one big coal/oil/gas/uranium field: that would be presumptive Democratic nominee Terry McAuliffe.