
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day Open Thread: What Are You Seeing, Hearing?

Please feel free to use this as an open thread to discuss what you're seeing and hearing out there today.  Thanks. Oh, and check out your Virginia Voters' Checklist - know your rights and call 1-866-OUR-VOTE if you have any questions.First, here's a tweet from @MikeSigner - "Very long lines in Arlington and Alexandria-frustrating for voters, I know-but a sign of good Dem GOTV!!"
Tweet from @frankoanderson - "Lorton Station precinct, they forgot to charge 2 machines so they lost power." and "Centerpointe precinct they're not letting people vote- electronic poll books frozen. They have paper books but won't use them."
UPDATE 10:53 am: Long lines in deep-blue Arlington, I just got back from voting after about a 40 minute wait, couple hundred people ahead of me in line.
UPDATE 12:53 pmAnecdotal, but a good sign if true: " just voted in Northern Virginia area [in Prince William County] & the same place/area that Ive voted at for years and can report that turnout is up in general and far more Latinos than Ive ever seen voting"
UPDATE 12:55 pm: Also, just saw this by @ThePlumLineGS. "Dems report long voting lines in Richmond, Newport News, East Henrico, and Arlington--all Dem strongholds in Virginia"
UPDATE 3:03 pmMo Elleithee writes, "Seeing VERY high turnout across Virginia. On par with or maybe even HIGHER than 2008 levels. Long lines in many places. Please be patient and stay in line!"
UPDATE 5:26 pm: I'm hearing that Loudoun County turnout is on track to exceed 2008 levels. That's potentially good news, as higher turnout means more Democratic voters, all else being equal...
UPDATE 6:12 pm: Some exit poll info, I'd take it with a huge grain of salt though...