
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pres. Obama Condemns Attack on Benghazi Consulate; Romney Faces Withering Criticism, Even from GOP

President Obama, with Secretary Clinton at his side, delivers a strong statement of condemnation to the rabble who attacked our country's embassy in Libya, as well as empathy towards the families of the American diplomats who were killed. Now THAT is how a Commander in Chief is supposed to act; thank goodness we have him at the helm of our nation, that's all I can say. As for the pathological liar, flip flopper, incompetent and all-around buffoon who's running against President Obama, he has succeeded in utterly disgracing himself (see, for instance, Romney campaign planned attack on Obama, but after 9/11, so it wouldn't be tasteless), demonstrating that he's completely out of his league (click here to read what even Republicans think of this guy!) when it comes to foreign policy, and beyond a shadow of a doubt proving that he is not only unqualified to be President of the United States, he's completely unfit to be President of the United States. (Note: If you can stand watching this slimeball, you can view Romney's statement on the "flip"). But don't take my word for it, let's see what others have to say. First Mark Halperin writes, "Unless the Romney campaign has gamed this crisis out in some manner completely invisible to the Gang of 500, his doubling down on criticism of the President for the statement coming out of Cairo is likely to be seen as one of the most craven and ill-advised tactical moves in this entire campaign." Next, Peggy Noonan says, "I don't feel that Mr. Romney has been doing himself any favors...sometimes when really bad things happen, when hot things happen, cool words or no words are the way to go." And NBC News' First Read writes, "Yesterday we noted that Mitt Romney, down in the polls after the convention, was throwing the kitchen sink at President Obama. Little did we know the kitchen sink would include -- on the anniversary of 9/11 -- one of the most over-the-top and (it turns out) incorrect attacks of the general-election campaign ." And, First Read asks incredulously, "Why didn’t the Romney campaign wait until it had all the facts?...You’d expect the Sarah Palins of the world to quickly pounce on something like this, and she predictably did. But a presidential nominee running for the highest office in the land?" That about sums it up, I'd say.