
Friday, August 31, 2012

Sierra Club Response to Romney RNC Speech

by Eileen Levandoski

(This quote alone - "President Obama promised to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet. MY to help you and your family" - should automatically disqualify Romney from being elected to anything, let alone president. Simply appalling. - promoted by lowkell

In response to Mitt Romney's speech Thursday night at the Republican National Convention, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:"Mitt Romney's speech Thursday night marked an all-new low for the candidate. His comments added insult to injury for the millions of American families and businesses affected by devastating events like this summer's drought and Hurricane Isaac.  Make no mistake - we are witnessing the effects of the climate crisis today. Americans need bold action and solutions to mitigate the threats of climate disruption - not glib mockery and denial of the problem.
"Romney spoke of the need to keep energy jobs in America, but he failed to mention that he opposes vehicle fuel efficiency standards that have resurrected the American auto industry and put thousands of American workers back on the job. Despite paying lip service to renewables, Romney opposes the wind production tax credit and seems unconcerned about losing the 75,000 American jobs supported by the wind energy sector.
"If there were any doubts about Mitt Romney's allegiance to fossil fuel interests, they've now been erased."