
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Brian Moran Announces He's Quitting His Slimeball "Day Job," Staying on as DPVA Chair

I've got mixed feelings on this one. Yes, it's good that Brian Moran is quitting his slimeball day job -- suing the president, robbing military veterans and poor kids and putting them in the poor house for the rest of their lives. On the other hand, why on earth did it take this long? If anyone cared about ethics, Brian never would have been allowed to hold both jobs simultaneously in the first place, let alone stay in that untenable position for so long. Ridiculous.Also, I'm very curious whether Brian chose to do this of his own free will (highly doubtful, given his demonstrated lack of concern about ethics, appearances of impropriety, etc., although I have heard rumors for months that he's "unhappy" at said slimeball day job) or was pressured out by "the powers that be" (that's what I'm hearing, and also what I'd expect). By the way, I love the lame excuse that he's quitting APSCU "in order to focus more fully on doing my part to ensure that our Democratic campaigns are victorious in November." What a joke. As if Brian Moran will have anything whatsoever to do with Barack Obama's victory in November, or Tim Kaine's, or anyone else's. Whatever, dude.
I'm also wondering whether Brian will stay on as DPVA chair, and if so for how long. I never hear anything positive about that organization under his "leadership" (using the word loosely), and I find it hard to believe that Terry McAuliffe would want him there once the 2013 Virginia gubernatorial race starts heating up after November. Anyway, lots of questions, few answers. For now, here's Brian Moran's statement for your discussion, analysis, entertainment etc.
Dear friend,I want to make sure you are aware of an important development that I hope will improve my ability to serve you, our campaigns and our activists as Chairman of the Democratic Party of Virginia.
Last week I notified my employer, the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities, that I will be resigning my position there effective August 1st, 2012 in order to focus more fully on doing my part to ensure that our Democratic campaigns are victorious in November.

Continued on the "flip." Also, I'm well aware that the photo has Brian's last name misspelled, but I must say I find it amusing...

There is no question that Virginia Democrats will play a critical role in this year's election more than we have in modern times, and I do not want to wake up on the morning of November 7th with any doubts about whether or not I gave everything I could to turning Virginia blue for President Obama, Governor Kaine and Democrats across the Commonwealth.I am already working with our staff and party leadership to make sure we make the fullest use of all of our resources over the next few months. I hope you will help me in that respect by suggesting events, meetings or other opportunities to engage with Democrats in your community about the importance of these upcoming elections and the need to work together to build an infrastructure that lasts into the future. My goal is to spend as much time as possible on the road recruiting volunteers, fundraising for our campaigns and for the party and being an active messenger about the importance of electing our Democratic candidates this fall.
I want to thank you for your continued friendship and service to our party, I look forward to working closely with each of you as we move down the homestretch of these critical campaigns.
Brian Moran