The level of insanity and bigotry evidenced in the new PPP poll of Mississippi and Alabama Republican voters goes beyond "astounding" into "horrifying," "despicable," insanity," "bigotry," words like that. Check it out:*"In Mississippi only 12% of voters think Obama's a Christian to 52% who think he's a Muslim and 36% who are not sure. In Alabama just 14% think Obama's a Christian to 45% who think he's a Muslimand 41% who aren't sure." Oh, and not only are they factually incorrect, but of course it goes without saying that they think being a Muslim is a bad thing. Blech. *In Alabama, 21% of Republican voters say that interracial marriage should be illegal. In Mississippi,29% of Republican voters say it should be illegal, while just a bare majority (54%) say it should be legal. Ee gads. *"In Alabama only 26% of voters believe in [evolution], while 60% do not. In Mississippi just 22% believe in it, while 66% do not." I mean, this goes beyond "differences on the issues" into something else entirely. When people - large pluralities or even majorities of Mississippi and Alabama Republicans, in this case - don't "believe" in evolution (as if scientific/empirical evidence is a matter of "belief" at all), when they don't "believe" a lifelong Christian is really a Christian, when they're bigoted against Muslims, when they're not sure that blacks should be able to marry whites, I'm not sure how you even have a conversation, let alone a constructive, rational, sane one. It's just so depressing that there are significant numbers of people in this country, in the year 2012, who still think like this. And, of course, guess which party they're in? Shocker, huh? |