
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Libby Garvey Wins Arlington Democratic Caucus for County Board

I just received this press release from the Arlington County Democratic Committee (ACDC), announcing that Libby Garvey won the Democratic caucus for County Board overwhelmingly (44%-22%-21%-8%-4%) over four opponents. Congratulations to Libby, who almost certainly will be the next Arlington County Board member!
Libby Garvey Wins Arlington County Board CaucusArlington, VA - The Arlington County Democratic Committee is pleased to announce that Libby Garvey will be the Democratic nominee in the special election for County Board being held on March 27, 2012.  Ms. Garvey was the winner of the Arlington Democratic Party's County Board Caucus, held over two days on January 19 and 21.  Out of 4,314 ballots counted, Ms. Garvey secured 1,915 votes.
The final vote counts were as follows:
Libby Garvey 1,915 votes
Melissa Bondi 966 votes
Terron Sims 922 votes
Kim Klingler 333 votes
Peter Fallon 178 votes
"This County Board contest was one of the hardest fought in recent memory, featuring five great candidates from various constituencies in Arlington," said Arlington Democratic Chair Mike Lieberman.  "We are proud that Libby Garvey emerged from this caucus as our nominee.  She has been an outstanding School Board Member, and we know she will make an excellent County Board Member as well.  We look forward to committing our full party resources behind getting Libby elected on March 27."