A bit of sanity in the Virginia "rightosphere?" It's a rare commodity, but yesterday we got a bit, courtesy of the crew at Too Conservative, with regard tobats*** crazy Dick Black, now running for State Senate in the 13th district (Loudoun, Prince William). Here's what Lloyd at Too Conservative has to say about Plastic Fetus Dude.... Several commenters on this blog and elsewhere, formerly skeptical of Mr. Black's odd antics and carpetbaggery, have now become born-again members of the Black Brigade. Seems he's managed to convince them that he's a changed man, no longer espousing the plastic fetus-mailing views he held as a . . . . cough. . . young man all those ten years ago. Nope. Now, he's all about the economy, transportation, jobs. None of that anti-gay, anti-everything stuff he used to say. To everyone.Got news for you, boys. You're been had. Black is playing the oldest game in the politician handbook: tell people what they want to hear. And you are willingly suspending disbelief just because he's the Republican nominee giving you some attention. Wake up, people!Fortunately, voters in the 13th district have an infinitely better choice: Shawn Mitchell, a moderate Democrat who recently was endorsed by the Prince William Realtors and (overwhelmingly) by Virginia FREE. This has got to be one of the easiest choices this election cycle - competent, sane, smart Shawn Mitchell vs. bats*** crazy, sex-obsessed Dick Black -- a "no brainer" if I've ever seen one. |