Read this Huffington Post article on the taxpayer-funded corporate welfare scam known as the "for-profit 'education' industry" and you'll understand the title of this article. It's truly disgusting, as is the president of the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities (where DPVA chair Brian Moran also has sold his soul for a bootload of $$$$). Here's a sample:Some of the largest publicly traded college corporations receive nearly 90 percent of their revenues from federal student aid programs. While government money fuels increased enrollments and record profits, the industry has poured increasing amounts of those proceeds into an unprecedented effort to preempt the rules through greater influence in Washington.In other words, an industry that derives a vast majority of its revenue from federal funding is actively using that money to fight government efforts for accountability.Read that last quote again: Harris Miller WISHES he could just write a check and buy a vote. He actually ADMITS IT! Wow, we always knew he was an utterly arrogant sleazeball lobbyist, but he doesn't even try to hide it!Just as bad, by the way, is the fact that Hararis Miller has hired on the "got cash, we'll represent you, no question asked!" Podesta Group (sampling of clients: BP, Wal-Mart, "Clean Coal," Duke Energy, and Egypt under Husni Mubarak) and the utterly execrable Lanny Davis (activities include support for "the Latin American equivalent of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce," "defending the Honduran military authorities' removal of President Zelaya from power in the 2009 Honduran constitutional crisis," providing public relations support to "Ivory Coast leader and flagrant human rights violator Laurent Gbagbo" as well as "Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, the longtime dictator of oil-rich Equatorial Guinea"). Anyway, it's completely unsurprising that the for-profit "education"cesspool, which specializes in ripping off taxpayers, poor people and veterans, would fit right into Podesta's and Davis' client portfolio, and also that Harris Miller would take to those two like pigs in s***. |