
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Senate Democrats Release Proposed Redistricting Plan

(UPDATE: Lots more maps in the comments section of this diary... - promoted by lowkell)

I just received the following press release from the State Senate Democratic Caucus. I haven't looked at this yet, will do so shortly. What do you all think?
Senate Democrats Release Proposed Redistricting PlanRICHMOND - Today the Democratic-controlled Virginia Senate unveiled its plan to redraw Virginia's Senate legislative district lines.
The redistricting plan, submitted Tuesday afternoon to the General Assembly's Division of Legislative Services, is expected to be considered during the week of April 4.   The plan can be found here http://redistricting.dls.virgi...
Because of elections this year (unlike most states, which will hold elections in 2012), the redistricting timetable is short.  It has been only one month since Virginia received corrected census numbers.  The timetable is even further constrained in Virginia, which must submit its plans to the U.S. Department of Justice for preclearance under the Voting Rights Act.