
Friday, January 7, 2011

Video: Jim Webb Says GOP Health Care Repeal Effort is Mostly About "Political Payback"

Here's more video from this morning's Business Leaders Breakfast with Chap Petersen and Jim Webb. In this installment, Sen. Webb has some comments on health care reform and the GOP effort to repeal it. According to Webb, he voted with Republicans "17 times" on healthcare reform, so he agrees that the legislation isn't perfect. But, Webb adds, much of the repeal effort is "political payback" to the people who voted for Republicans this time around. The fact is, according to Webb, "Nobody believes, really, that health care reform writ large is going to be repealed," although there are parts that "do need to be fixed." Instead, according to Webb, this is mainly a matter of Republicans getting it "out of [their] system." Hopefully, after that's over with, we can get down to working together and governing. UPDATE: See the "flip" for video of Sen. Webb speaking on one of his favorite topics, criminal justice reform. According to Webb, this is a totally bipartisan issue - even Newt Gingrich and Bob McDonnell support prison reform, plus "100 different organizations" from across the political spectrum, according to Webb - that should be passed, but is being held up by the Senate's paralysis. Thanks to Webb for his hard work on this important issue; hopefully, this will actually happen in 2011!